Young Master Damien's Pet

Chapter 746 Family Reunion- Part 4

Laurae appeared slightly taken aback at the lack of emotion that she had expected to see from this person.

"What is this? Are you not supposed to be sad for the loss of one of your family members?" asked Laurae.

"Sadly, I am not sad. I think she got on my nerves so much that I don\'t feel the loss for what happened to her but then at the same time she was still my family and I will have to avenge her death."

The woman chuckled from afar, loading bullets into the gun as she took shelter behind a large wooden cupboard that had been pulled away from the wall to give her enough s.p.a.ce to stand, "Seems like we both are the same when it comes to that."

"Please," Damien exhaled with a tired sigh, "Don\'t add me up in the same box as you. I don\'t remember abandoning my own child and trying to set the child on sacrifice," he pulled the lock on the ground as the bullets were loaded into it.

"Hmm, I see my daughter has been hung up on it. She should understand how a life of a witch works," the woman shook her head, "She was always like that though. Like her father. Too attached."

"But that didn\'t stop you from killing him," Damien\'s words came more like a sarcastic compliment.

"Of course, it didn\'t. When you don\'t love the person from the very beginning, I don\'t know what kind of expectation of love they are expecting me to give." Laurae pushed the cupboard away and she started to shoot the pureblooded vampire while taking shelter at every place she moved, cornering the man one step after another.

When Damien did get a chance to shoot the black witch, he shot her shoulder and her leg to immobilize her movements but that didn\'t work. She kept on moving unaffected. Walking towards Damien, she picked up the vampire, appearing to be much stronger than him and she threw him across the room.

He pulled himself up from the ground, dusting the dirt that was picked by his clothes. The black witches had lost their powers, which was why he didn\'t understand how she was stronger than him right now. After Penny had sealed the portal by pus.h.i.+ng back the black magic into the black hole, the magic had been sealed which was not usable by the black witches yet here this woman was stronger and she cast a spell on him, whispering something in the air but thankfully it didn\'t work on him.

Laurae gave Damien a look, "My magic doesn\'t work on you...Why?"

"You should thank your daughter for that," Damien didn\'t bother to tell what was blocking the black magic from being cast on him. Picking one of the chairs, he broke it into pieces, "Laurae, what is your thought on getting pierced?" he threw a piece right at her making her miss when she moved to the side and used her own hands to scratch his face.

Even though Laurae now appeared to be strong for a black witch, Damien was still a pureblooded vampire who was a second-generation vampire. When Laurae decided to claw his face, trying to peel and pull the skin from his face, Damien caught hold of her hand and twisted it as hard as he could to hear the woman scream.

"My half-sister did something like this to your daughter," Damien said, a serious expression on his face as he remembered the time Grace had been nothing less to a b.i.t.c.hy little sister of his.

"Penny has that effect on people, wanting people to hurt her because of her disobedience, but then I see her arms are pretty fine," Laurae said, twisting her arm back to get away from the man before kicking his stomach.

Damien coughed slightly when Laurae blew a powder from her hand in the air. The dust was ash-green in the color that gave a herb like smell that was being roasted in the fire. He had smelled this before and he couldn\'t believe that this woman was carrying it in her pocket when all of them had come to believe that they had burned every single sprigra.s.s that was in the four lands of the empire.

He could feel his heart rate increasing and his pulse beating quickly and his eyes turning slightly blur before his vision turned normal again, "You weren\'t expecting that, were you?"

"No, I wasn\'t but shouldn\'t expect anything less from a black witch like you," Damien stated, trying to get rid of the smoke he had inhaled.

This wasn\'t good, thought Damien to himself. Before he could go too far, his body had started to react to the spitgra.s.s that she had blown in the room.

"Don\'t worry that is all that I have with me. I saved it just for you knowing you would come here with my beloved daughter."

"How sweet of you to do that," Damien coughed even more and wheezed as his body had started to hurt. The corruption which Penny had got reduced during the closing of the portal, he could feel the come back twice harder than before.

"Like I said it was the last pack of spitgra.s.s that I had with me. I made it as strong and packed as possible. So that once you would breathe, even a little amount would feel as if you have taken three shots of it," Laurae moved her arm that had turned crooked as it had been twisted earlier. She moved her arm as if fixing it back in position and walked to stand in front of him when he slid against the wall and sat down to ease the pain that he was feeling.

No one would have ever thought of the possibility that the dangerous poison still existed. His vision was blurring back and forth. Bringing his hand up, he coughed and when he pulled it away he saw blood on his fingers and palm of his hand.

"Sooner or later, you will lose sense and you will start killing people. How amazing is that?" Laurae took the gun that belonged to him that had fallen down across the floor. She pulled the slider and took a shot right at this leg, "This is for insurance so that you don\'t move around too much. Early congratulations on being converted to a corrupted vampire that you hunt. Let us see how long you sustain," smiling the woman walked out of the room leaving Damien in pain.

With the dust that came to settle down on the dirty floor, Damien had already inhaled a lot of it which had entered his body and now was in his blood, and he could feel it.

It was suffocating his body. He wanted and needed blood to quench his thirst. His claws scratched the wooden flooring, screeching as it sc.r.a.ped the surface.

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