Witch's Daughter And The Devil's Son

Chapter 358 - Shared The Part Of Soul The With Him

She realizedthat Prince Theron\'s face no longer felt cold against her hands, and his once-pale cheeks were now ushed with life. His breathing had become stable, andwhen she lowered her hand to touch his chest, she could feel his heartbeatsgrowing stronger.A weak smile made its way into her tired face.

\'You survived.\'

Once she was sure that the young man was no longer on his deathbed, shehurriedly left the Crown Prince\'s residence.

The moment she stepped out of thebackdoor, the magic spell she had put to make everyone sleep dissipated,causing the people inside to regain their senses.

Most of them were puzzled atrst, but it was as if there was a leftover spell that made them forget about howthey all lost consciousness.

No one knew what happened and they just resumedtheir work, not realizing that more than an hour had passed by without themknowing.

------When Esther returned to the Queen\'s residence, she headed straight to herroom in the servant\'s quarters instead of going back to the Queen\'s chamber.Her eyes were slightly unfocused, and her ngers were trembling, which madeher realize the consequences of cutting o a part of her soul.

She felt incrediblyweakened, and she was certain that this feeling wasn\'t just her imagination.\'I hope I will not regret my actions tonight...\'

Just then, there was a knock on her door and as expected, it was Lady Tyra.

When the older woman entered her room, she found Esther sitting on her bed,looking a little tired.

"Your Eminence."

She bowed before Esther.With a light nod, Esther accepted it with her normal nonchalance.

She hid hershaking ngers inside the wide sleeves of her clothes and continued to sitsilently.

Lady Tyra asked, "Your Eminence, how is Prince Theron?""He will wake up by morning," Esther answered.Lady Tyra felt relieved. "Thank you so much for saving him, Your Eminence."Esther didn\'t react and Lady Tyra took that chance to observe the young lady.Despite Esther trying to hide her condition, Lady Tyra felt that something wasunusual with her. "Your Eminence, you look tired. ""I just need a good night\'s rest."Lady Tyra felt skeptical as she slowly approached Esther, who looked like awilting ower at the moment. "Pardon me, Your Eminence, but may I see yourhand?"

Esther did not stop Lady Tyra, and as soon as her wrist was touched, Lady Tyrarealized what was wrong.

"Your Eminence! Your life force—"Esther nodded to what Lady Tyra was about to say.Lady Tyra was shocked. "

Sharing your life force with a human! I have neverheard of it! Even for our kind, it is rarely done, and it\'s mostly done amongthose with close familial bonds. Your Eminence, to a human... sharing the samelife with a human..."

Lady Tyra trailed o hesitantly at the end. She was touched that Esther madesuch a great sacrice for Prince Theron, but she could not believe that she waswilling to go that far for the young man.

As far as she could recall, Estherwasn\'t close to the Crown Prince.

Did they become close due to the attack?Esther closed her eyes helplessly.

"There was no other way to save him."

"I understand, Your Eminence," Lady Tyra said with hesitation, "but I amafraid this is the rst time one of our kind ever shared a soul with a human.What are the possible consequences...?"

Esther sighed.

"Even I don\'t know. What matters is that he survived, and thathe will continue living well from now on."

"However, to keep a part of your soul..."

"As long as I keep my distance from him, it should be ne. Let us leave it up tofate."

---------Even before the sun rose from the east, the people within the residence of theCrown Prince were already wide awake, bustling with joy upon hearing thegood news rsthand from the royal physicians attending to the prince.

"Prince Theron is awake!"

"His Highness has woken up?! Truly? Share the news to everyone!"

"Oh, the spirits have blessed the young dragon of the kingdom!"

The royal physicians who were initially in a depressed mood were revitalizedthe moment Prince Theron started to stir from sleep, surprised at the suddenimprovement in his health.

It was a welcome surprise, since the young princewas able to overcome the crisis they predicted.

The fact Prince Theron survivedwas truly a miracle!"Your Highness, can you hear me? How are you feeling?" the Head RoyalPhysician greeted him.

Prince Theron did not respond and only closed his eyes again, as if he was stillhalf asleep.

However, the fact that he was able to regain his consciousnessmeant that the worst had already passed, and from now onwards, his healthwould recover smoothly.

The Head Royal Physician looked at his apprentice. "Inform the King and theQueen that the Crown Prince has woken up."

The apprentice happily accepted the task and hurried out of the chamber, whilethe Head Royal Physician checked Prince Theron\'s strong pulse once again, andthey also used silver needles to check the vitality of his blood usingacupuncture.

Making sure there was no longer any danger to the CrownPrince\'s life, the Head Royal Physician ordered everyone to step back andsimply let the prince continue resting.

After receiving the news of their son\'s situation, both the King and the Queenhurried towards the Crown Prince\'s residence as soon as they could.

Theyarrived almost at the same time, and the royal couple entered the CrownPrince\'s chamber together with a smile.

Everyone inside the chamber greeted them upon their entrance, but QueenTheodora only had eyes for her son who was lying in the middle of the bed.

TheQueen sat on the chair placed beside the bed, while the King opted to remainstanding behind her, gazing down on the injured prince.

The Head Royal Physician happily informed King Esteban regarding the statusof Prince Theron\'s health.

"Your Majesty, the Crown Prince is out of dangernow. He has recovered from his fever, and all he needs to get better is to restproperly and take medicines to let his wound heal."

Hearing the noise around him, Prince Theron slowly opened his eyes and gazedat the person by his bedside.

He looked at his mother whose eyes were wet withunshed tears.

He noticed how terribly pale and haggard she looked, as if shedidn\'t get to sleep for nights.


he uttered with a hoarse voice.

Queen Theodora didn\'t know what to say to him as happiness had engulfed herentire being.

She could only smile as the tears from her eyes nally fell downher face.

Prince Theron placed his hand on his mother\'s and said in a softer tone, "I amne, Mother. Apologies for worrying you."

"Oh, this child! Don\'t say that. I am your mother. Can I not worry for my onlyson? I am happy that you are ne now," she replied while wiping her tears withthe handkerchief on her free hand.

"If you are truly sorry for causing trouble,then you must remember to have a meal with me and your father once you getbetter."

The young prince squeezed her hand.

"Of course, Mother. Of course."

Prince Theron\'s gaze moved around the chamber as it sought for a certainperson with honey blond hair but that person was not there.

It caused him to letout a frustrated sigh, which caused the people around him to misunderstandand thought that it was a sign he needed to go back to sleep.

The Crown Princedid not bother to correct them.

The last memory he had before losing consciousness was Esther runningtowards him in the forest.

It was inevitable that he wanted to see her, but as aprince, he knew it was not appropriate for him to ask about his mother\'sservant the moment he woke up.

It would only bring unwanted attention to herand he didn\'t wish for that to happen.

Everyone left to let him rest, and only his personal servants stayed on standbyjust in case he needed anything.

Prince Theron stared at the ceiling as heseemingly remembered something.

The silhouette of a familiar woman leavinghis chamber.

A soft voice that sounded like a gentle wind.

Words that didn\'tmake sense.

"...I do not know if you can survive with this, but I have no other way to saveyou. At least, with this, the chances of you living will be higher."

These words kept ringing within his mind, and he could not dierentiate if itwas a product of his imagination or reality.

It reminded him of the kiss theyshared when she saved him from drowning.

It would not be the rst time shedid something to him while he was unconscious.

If it was a dream, it was truly strange nonsense, but if it was something thattruly happened...

He had a strong urge to have her stand in front of him and ask her the truth.

\'I want to see you...Esther.\'

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