Hollywood Zenith

Chapter 190 [Bonus ]Embarrassment-2

" Sami, Are you Okay?"

" Let me check."

Iblis and Adele swiftly moved toward Samuel when they saw his strange movement. Iblis held his face with both hands while Adele moved one of her hands toward his forehead, checking his temperature.

Sensing their soft touch and remembering Apollo\'s conversation, his face lit up. He became way more conscious about it.

" I-i am f-fine." He said, but his face was bright red.

" I will call someone!" Iblis swiftly said.

" I am also coming with you. Hannah stays here; we also forgot to inform others." Adele was also in sync with her.

They left Samuel hanging. He also controlled his breathing to calm down, but he still had to face his parents and elders, which was a monumental task.

" I had something special planned for it, but it was good that they made up. Still, it would not hurt to introduce them to that \'person.\'" Samuel thought.

" That was fun!" Iblis said while they walked toward the waiting area.

" Yeah, did you see his face? It was red as a tomato!" Adele was also excited.

" Hahaha, serves him right! He made my best friend cry; he deserves punishment for it."

" But he has beautiful eyes."

" Yeah, I hate to admit it, but he also has a good face."

" Yeah."

They soon realize what they have done. Perhaps because their plan worked, they forgot how close they got to him to make him embarrassed. They were quiet the rest of the way, mulling over their actions.


" Did he really wake up?" Laura was panting. She ran up the stairs when she heard that her baby was awake.

" Mother." Samuel expected her to lash out, but she tackled him with a firm hug.

" Wait! Don\'t rush it. He is not fully recovered." Robert reminded her.

" Ah, Did I hurt you?"

" No, Mother, I am fine."

" You- Hah, Do you know how worried we were? Doctors also said that it was a miracle you survived."

" I am sorry, but I will make the same choice regardless of the circumstances. I can\'t let anything happen to her." Samuel said with resolution. Besides, his chances of getting through it were much higher than any regular person.

" That\'s my grandson! As a Rothschild, you must have at least this much courage!" Kenneth entered and said with a laugh. But he failed to notice that Margaret was standing behind him.

" I am sorry, Samuel. I think me and your grandfather had to have a private conversation. We will be back soon." Her voice was cheerful, but why did she look so scary. She dragged Kenneth to the other room for a nice \'chat.\'

Next, Oscar visited Karoline and Arthur. But something was off about Oscar.

" Uncle, It\'s good to see you again."

" Yeah. Are you feeling well?"

" Yes. I am almost recovered but is something wrong?" Samuel asked.

" This kid is blaming himself; Karoline and I tried to talk some sense into him, but nothing seems to work," Arthur told him the cause.

" Uncle! You shouldn\'t have mentioned it." Oscar didn\'t want anyone to find out.

" Why not? You have been gloomy for days now." Karoline said.

" What? How is anything your responsibility? We were a little careless, that\'s all; it had nothing to do with you." Samuel was surprised. It was a nonsensical argument.

" But if I was there-"

" You were not. No one can blame you, Uncle; you have already left the family. Now you are your own people to protect."

" See, Sami is much more mature than you," Karoline said.

Hearing it from Samuel lifted some burden off his heart. He slowly returned to his usual self as they discussed Samuel\'s recovery. Oscar and Karoline also hinted about their wedding; there was still some time for it.

Carol and Eleanor, along with the other Rothschild family, came in next. The first two did the same thing and tackled Samuel to the ground; if it went any further, he was sure he would receive substantial damage from it.

Fortunately, that never happened; Uncle Peter and his martial arts teacher proclaimed to make him more sturdy and increase his training hours, while granduncle Donald and Mary wanted him to stay home and focus on his literary and cultural talent.

That way, he would not have to worry about these pesky assassination attempts. They seemed to talk like it was a daily occurrence for them, where Rothschild family members always had to face such dangers?

" Don\'t listen to their nonsense. You should do what your heart wants, okay." Aunt Patricia was the only sane one from their group.

" Oh, I forgot. George and Amelia are also coming. They were scheduled to arrive at the end of the month, but with everything going on, it was best for them to visit you and get away from that place for some time.

" That place? Did something happen while I was unconscious?" Samuel asked.

" Don\'t worry about that now. You just have to rest."

" OK."

" Also, I don\'t see Uncle David and my team. Are they busy?" Samuel was sure they would be the first to visit him.

" Yes, they are a little busy," Laura said.

" You too, mother. I think you have been hiding something from me."

" Relax, it was an urgent request from the Queen. Besides, you already have your hands full here. They would be a hundred times sadder than Oscar. You don\'t know since you were unconscious; Steve and the rest had to carry you to the hospital. You were a bloody mess.

They were also the closest to you when that happened; give them a little space before facing you again. You shouldn\'t rush it."

" Alright."

" Also, while we are on the topic of people coming, your studio friends and your firm were informed about it. We didn\'t tell them everything, but they will visit you since you are awake."

" Right. I forgot- wait! why my co-stars?"

" It was leaked, we suppressed the news, but somehow they knew that you were injured since your appearance is easily recognizable."

" I got it."

" Good, also take care of both of them. They are good girls." Laura said something outrageous all of a sudden.

" Mother! You were listening?"

"Of course. Do you think I will leave my son alone? You see here, I hid a microphone here." Laura said with a smile.

" That is called spying!"

"I put it in case of emergency!"

" I don\'t believe you!"

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