Rebirth: Degenerate Slave Abuses Tyrant

Chapter 69

Zhao Fu rushed in and knelt, “Your Imperial Majesty, there’s an emergency report from Yun Guan.”

“Go on,” Emperor Xing Wu’s expression changed. Emergency reports from Yun Guan would never be about something good.

Luo Wei sat aside quietly. He knew what was about to happen.(1) Northern Yan(2) invaded this year, and second prince Long Xuan would request to go and lead soldiers against the enemy. At the end of the conflict, he’d win out and return to the capital, but Luo Wei’s eldest brother, Luo Qi would fight the only losing battle he’d ever fought in his life during this conflict between the Zhou and the Yan. The things that should happen will happen, but Luo Wei would make sure that the end result would be different.

“He’s insane!” Emperor Xing Wu cursed, “Si Ma Chang Tian has gone insane! I’ve just signed an alliance with Nan Zhao, and he’s gone ahead and attacked! This maniac!”

In reality, this wasn’t Northern Yan’s Emperor, Si Ma Chang Tian’s doing. The one who wanted to fight this war was the crown prince of Northern Yan, Si Ma Zhu Xie. Luo Wei lowered his head, looking as if he was conflicted between worry and anxiety, but he was sneering on the inside. This was just another play that the crown prince of Northern Yan was putting on with the second prince of Greater Zhou. Long Xuan’s sword was finally coming down on the Luo family. From now on, he’d hack away at the the Luo family’s flesh and blood piece by piece, and Luo Qi would be the first to go. Si Ma Zhu Xie wasn’t about to come out of this empty-handed either. He wanted to use this war to get rid of his imperial father’s favorite, and the only one who could challenge his claim to the throne, the third prince of Northern Yan, Si Ma Qing Sha. In the past life, both of these agitators had gotten exactly what they’d wanted. Luo Qi lost, and the junior chancellor’s eldest son, Liu Wu Sheng became the vice commander of Yun Yuan. Not only that, Liu Wu Sheng wore away and claimed Luo Qi’s command bit by bit until nothing was left. Si Ma Qing Sha had died in battle too, meaning that within Northern Yan, there would be no other contender for the throne other than Si Ma Zhu Xie. Luo Wei listened to Emperor Xing Wu’s curses while he quietly sheathed his own malice, making sure that no one would be able to tell.

“Your Imperial Majesty,” Luo Wei waited until Emperor Xing Wu was finished raging, and got up to kneel, facing the emperor, “Your humble servant requests to be sent to Yun Guan.”

Emperor Xing Wu was surprised to say the least, “Wei er, do you intend on fighting on the battlefield?”

“Your Imperial Majesty,” Luo Wei said, “Northern Yan is our nation’s greatest enemy. Your humble servant would like to go and see what manner of people they are. Everyone knows that once war has been declared, it is the people who suffer the most, so I don’t understand why the emperor of Northern Yan, the father of his nation, does not seem to mind!”

“You can get up and talk,” How could Emperor Xing Wu feel comfortable with letting Luo Wei go to Yun Guan by himself? “Wei Er, you’re not a military officer, nor are you experienced with martial arts, how are you going to get between the fighting?”

Luo Wei still kneeled as he spoke, “Your Imperial Majesty, my eldest brother will protect me. Your Imperial Majesty once told me that as a person who lives in this world, one needs to gather as many experiences as they can. I would like to go this time to see what war looks like.”

“And you’re not scared?” Emperor Xing Wu asked.

Luo Wei answered, “Both of my brothers are officers in the military, and I’ve heard them talk of what it’s like to march in battle. I have no reason to be afraid.”

“Wei Er,” Emperor Xing Wu sighed, “To hear about it and to see it are two different things. You are still young, there’s no shame in not going this time.”

Luo Wei lifted his head, his eyes shining, “Your Imperial Majesty, do you think that I’m incapable as well as a coward?”

Emperor Xing Wu regarded Luo Wei for a moment, then burst out laughing. Luo Wei had become in more ways than one, a pleasant surprise for the emperor. Not only because Luo Wei was his son with Luo Zhi Jin, but also that he was wise beyond his years and courageous to boot. “Wei Er, are you really not afraid?” Emperor Xing Wu asked.

“It is your humble servant’s honest wish to go and experience what it’s like amongst soldiers in Yun Guan.” Luo Wei prostrated himself as he answered.

“Fine, I shall allow it.” Emperor Xing Wu didn’t think about it any more than that. If he wanted to cultivate Luo Wei as a person, then he needed to give Luo Wei chances to gain experience. An eagle needs to spread their wings and fly, there was no reason to always keep Luo Wei at his side.


1. He knew what was about to happen. – A specific note and general as well, this translation will add in additional detail that is not within the original text to make the meaning clear. Since tenses in Chinese are not especially defined when telling a story, additional points like this that do not exist in the original text has been added for clarity.

2. Northern Yan – A state in the Sixteen Kingdoms era in historical China. Though the name is the same, the author has fictionalized much of the history in this novel. As a placement reference, it located what is modern Northeastern China.


Ooof, another tough week finished, but hopefully here are a few chapters for you guys to read and enjoy! : ) The plot is moving again, haha… I want to thank all of you for reading again, reading your comments is a joy (even though I do not respond, I enjoy them all!) I recently got a few more coffees on Ko-Fi and I’m so glad to get the support from you guys! <3<3<3

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