Gacha Sovereign

Chapter 47: Dungeon Even

47 Dungeon Even

Alex come back to his room. Alicia was surprised with his new sword.

"This is?"

"My new sword, and also my first creation. It\'s name is Star Blaze Sword"

Alicia looking at his sword. She noticed the energy coming from it. "Is this magic weapon?"


"You can make magic weapon?" Alicia shocked.

"Yes" Alex scratched his cheek embarrassedly

"I want it too." She muttered in very low voice. Other might not hear it, but Alex can.

"I will make one for princess too." Alex smiled.

"No... you don\'t need to" Alicia shook her head.

Alex only smiled at her, Alicia asked "What is the rank of this sword?"

"Rank 5" Alex answered.

"When are you start practicing?"

"Around a month ago"

"..."She froze after hearing what Alex just said. She give dumbfounded look to Alex.

"You know Alex... there are crazy people in the legend" She suddenly said.

Alex surprised, what is this topic... why she talk about it now...

"That person is Forging master" Alicia continued, "He killed a rank 6 monster when he was a rank 4"

Alex shocked. This is a surprised, rank 4 killed a rank 6 monster, this is a heaven defying. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,

"He wasn\'t a genius, or high ranker. He just a forger. But his forging skill make many people ashamed. He killed a rank 6 when he was a rank 4, do you know what he do?"

Alex shook his head, even he barely kill a rank 5 monster.

"Because he made a rank 7 spear. He killed the monster easily with higher ranking weapon. His motto is \'If I can\'t kill my opponent because I am weaker, than I only need to make a weapon that can kill him/her\' that what his motto said."

Alex dumbfounded, what is this logic. Alex start pondering about pros and cons for this. Though you can kill your opponent with your absolute weapon, but the difference between your power and your opponent mustn\'t be too far. If not, your opponent will skillfully dodge and killed you and get your own weapon. Alex might consider this for last desperate act.

True, in battle of person. When you and your enemy even in power, then the auxiliary thing like weapon will be the deciding factor. If the power difference was too far, even a farmer can\'t kill a rank 4 warrior even he have rank 5 weapon. That farmer might also be targeted because of his weapon.

"The weapon is good, but weapon that was too good, might become the source of own downfall." Alex said.

Alicia pondering about this saying. After a while, she nod.

Alex keep practicing in forging all the time. He make many other weapons. Sometime he failed, sometime succeed. After three months, he manage to make a few rank 5 weapon. Of course on his and his teacher expense. The money from selling pills was enough to support him for a while, since the pills was so rare, the price was high. Especially for skin refining pill and blood and marrow pill.

This two pill was in high demand especially from woman but no product. That\'s why the price was high.

Alex make a rank 5 magic weapon for Alicia and Firia. Ice attribute staff for Alicia and Fire attribute staff for Firia. Since he have a few rank 5 weapon now, after he give the last sword for Princess Mia. Alex give the rest to his teacher to raise a fund again. though Alex didn\'t succeed for making a rank 6 weapon because of the difficulty.

Alex almost reach rank 5 prowess in this few months, though in his status card already rank 5.

One week later, dungeon event will be held. The student was given a few days off, before going to the dungeon in Maka Town.

"After this week, we will be holding dungeon event for first grader. The event will be held at the dungeon in Maka Town. You will be given days off after this meeting, you may set off immediately to steal the start, or you may rest with your family back home first or you even can choose to not participate in this event. The choice is yours and of course, the consequence too.

But I will explain the rule first, After you kill monster, please keep their monster core. We will give you score depending on the monster cores you bought. The scores will be give the same points as the Grade ranking in Night forest.

Beware, in this event. You might die from monster, because the teachers only supervise you on the surface not in the dungeon. The event will be ended after the end of next month. There are already a few teachers in Maka Town if you want to start now, just don\'t forget to become a hunter first in hunter guild. I will end this now, hope you all become successful in this event." The teacher ended his speech.

"Alex, how about we team up?" Alicia said.

"Yes, that is a good idea." Firia add in.

"Ugh..." Alex hesitated.

"Are you going alone?" Alicia said worriedly.

Alex nod, "I planned to dive to the lower floor to mainly kill rank 4 or rank 5 monsters. So..."

"Sigh...Fine, I and Firia will search for another party" Alicia sighed, she become a bit disappointed, because she can\'t dive with Alex. Firia was also disappointed.

Suddenly someone cut in, "How about Princess Alicia and miss Firia come with us?"

The trio look at the one who spoke in. There are three people, two man and one girl. The man was handsome and the girl was beautiful. Alex, Alicia, and Firia recognized them, since they are classmates.

Alex frowned, he tried to recall this three character in classes. The girl name is Viola, she is a discipline girl in the class, sort of role model in the class. As for the first guy, his name is Locko body was big, a typical muscle brain guy. His character also good. As for the last guy and the one who spoke just now. His name is Rery and This guy was a bit problematic with his character. Though he somewhat trouble-maker, other than that he is still acceptable.

Alicia and Firia look at Alex for confirmation. Alex sighed a bit and nod.

"Then we will under your care." Alicia said.

"Don\'t worry, I am also a bronze rank hunter. I am already experienced diving in dungeon." Rery said arrogantly.

"When are you going to Maka Town?" Firia asked.

"We will set off the day after tomorrow. Since the journey take two days. We can have three days before start."

Alicia nod, then turned to Alex. "You will set off with us right?"

Alex nod immediately. This is the least he need to do after turning them down.

Alicia smiled. All of them said goodbye and back to home. Of course Alex go with Alicia.

For this two days, Alex was put in awkward position. Since he can\'t go together with Alicia, he didn\'t know how to act with the others in the house. Grand duke can only sigh and understanding Alex, he told him not to worry about it.

Princess Lea and Mia weren\'t at home, he said they was stationed in the border of Death Forest. The event for second year is at the border of Death forest. so Mia need to go there and Lea accompanied her.

Two days later, they meet at the west gate and set off. The journey didn\'t have any accident, they safely arrived at the second night and decided to rest at the inn first and register tomorrow.

Tomorrow, All six of them arrived at the hunter guild. They go to registering counter. The counter was brimming of student that want to register.

"You guys can register first, I will wait all of you" Rery said.

All of them know, since Rery was already hunter so they get in line.

But Alex suddenly asked the rest, "How about we register first?"

"We can?" all of them surprised.

"You can\'t, even silver hunter also need to get in line" Rery cut in.

Alex ignored him, he gesture to them to cut the line. Alicia and Firia have absolute trust in him so they followed him immediately, the other two hesitated a bit at first, but since even the princess already followed him. So they followed him.

"Oi... You guys can\'t cut the line, are you going to make a trouble at the guild!" Rery shouted.

Because of his shouted, all people who want to register looked at them.

"That\'s right, how can you cut in!"

"Please get in line!"

Many student roared at Alex.

Alex ignored at them, he just go to the counter. There are three girl at the counter, one of them seems a new one, as for the other two, he know them. they are the one who he meet back then, Yuna colleague.

"Ah...Sir you can\'t cut the line?" the older one said to Alex.

"That\'s right!"

"You can\'t cut the line"

The people in line roared at him.

"I am also a registered hunter, can I trouble you to register them?" Alex said with a smile.

"Please Sir, you can\'t. Only rank gold or above has that privilege" She still said politely to him.

"Haha... do you think you are gold rank hunter, you are just a student like us"

"If you want to flaunt in front of girls, you need ability to do that"

They keep roaring at Alex.

"Hehe...It\'s been a few months I come to here, you already forget about me miss Tina, hmm... if I recall the way miss Yuna call you is... That\'s right, Sis Tina isn\'t it? How is miss Yuna doing?" Alex said.

Tina was frowned, she start recalled the thing from a few months ago. She suddenly recalled, a young man come to register with Yuna. Though he was different, but his style was similar, like his hair or body build. "Are...are you sir Alex?"

Alex only smiled

"\'s really true, I will registered them immediately" She said hurriedly.

"Then I need to trouble you" Alex said.

"No no, this is my job"

"Hey you can\'t do this, if other employee know about this, do you know what is the consequences. Even though you two are an acquaintance, you still can\'t do this." Rery broke his silence, he afraid with the rule of hunter guild. They was given a freedom to enforce the rule from the kingdom.

"This...this sir was our gold rank hunter" Tina introduced Alex.

"...." Rery immediately tongue tied.

Alicia and Firia giggled, while Alex turned to Tina "Can you register them, I don\'t want to make a commotion"

"I will immediately register them" Tina immediately ran off.

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