Gacha Sovereign

Chapter 421: Gacha Palace Part I

421 Gacha Palace Part I

As soon as he entered the inn, he immediately sat down on his bed and opened the system. Alex was eager to see what kind of surprise the system would give him. He just hoped the system did not put his high hope and let it down later.

He immediately opened the Gacha Box Function and smashed that [Gacha Box x3] button.

This time, the Gacha did not do anything like teleport himself or something, and there was no sign of the delivery, so Alex was perplexed.

He looked left and right, not finding anything.

"Eh, system?" Alex finally asked.

The System did not say anything. Instead, it gave him a notification.

[Gacha Palace Ticket x1]

"What is this?" Alex asked, wondering if it was a scam.

[Just use it by channeling your energy.]

Alex was bewildered by her comment. He opened his inventory and took out the Gacha Palace Ticket. The ticket was a card with the size of his palm.

He observed it from every angle, and there was nothing noticeable except a kind of special array on the body of the card. He could only recognize a few symbols in this array, but at the very least, he understood that this array was a kind of Space Element Array. It might transport him somewhere if he used this.

The only place he had visited because of the system was the Dart special place. So, he thought this might be something similar to that.

He pointed the card to his front and channeled his Spiritual Energy inside it. The array then glowed before it summoned a door in front of him.

"This… is this a legendary door that can transport you to anywhere?" Alex exclaimed out of reflex.

[Ahem. Just go in, and all your questions will be answered inside.]

He took a deep breath, looking at a normal size wooden door. He opened the door and saw the world inside.

He could see a giant machine on the very left of his sight, spurting many palm-size balls. And the ball slowly went to the bottom where it was recycled before the machine shot the ball again. That machine had its own space for doing that.

Beside that machine, he could see a vending machine. Inside that vending machine, there were white boxes divided by twenty sections. He also could see a hole where you can put money in it and might work like your usual vending machine.

The one in front of him was a roulette wheel, spinning normally. He recognized this blue roulette wheel as this was the usual wheel when he used his Dart Gacha.

At this point, he realized all of this was his Gacha all along. After making sure of that, he then came inside the special place. However, his body suddenly collapsed to the floor, and his soul came out of his body. However, he looked like a ghost as he did not have any legs at the moment.

He looked back and was shocked. "What happened?"

Suddenly, a woman walked toward him. She had brown hair, otherworldly beauty, small brown eyes, cute nose, and sweet lips. She wore a white dress up to her knees.

Alex had seen this woman as she was his system. Alex was a bit surprised to see the difference. He remembered the previous one had a robot-like body where he could see joint after joint in her arms, neck, and so on. However, this new one was not like that. There was no join or whatsoever.

Sadly, Alex could feel that this was also not real. This because he did not sense any aura or whatsoever in her. Even normal people, or cultivators, or people that were stronger than him had an aura which he could feel. Sadly, Even though her appearance looked a bit more real, it was a kind to a real doll that got possessed and acted like a human.

Even so, Alex did not know why, but after seeing the more realistic her, his heart was full of pain.

The woman then came to him and stretched her hand to his face. She slowly wiped the tears that flowed out of his right eyes. "Seriously… why are you crying? Have you missed me that much? Fufu."

Alex was astonished as he immediately put his hand on his right cheek. Just like she said, he truly let out tears.

"Who… who are you?"

"I am yours." She smiled.

"Ah…" Alex snapped back. He just let out that question unconsciously, and since he had back, he looked at the woman. "I am sorry for this display."

"It\'s alright. Even the strongest person will have a weak side in him/her, and acting as a perfect person is rather tiring, so feel free to bother me with that. I can lend you my shoulder… no, I can lend you this place." The system girl said playfully as she placed her hands on top of her chest. "I have upgraded myself, you know. And these ones here are pretty real, you can even check it if you want."

Alex shook his head, smiling.

"So, you are that type…" The woman said while opening her mouth in surprise. She then sat down on the floor and patted her lap a few times. "Come here. You must be the lap pillow type."

"Alright. That\'s really enough." Alex sighed. "Anyway, what is in here? Are all of them my Gachas?"

"Yes. Let me give you a tour of this area." She rose from the ground and pointed out the first machine Alex saw. "That one is your normal Gacha Machine. Come with me as I will explain it one by one."

The woman led Alex to the first machine. She suddenly took out a glass box, and inside it, there were six different things. The first one was a yellow ticket with a big \'G\' in the middle. The second ticket was similar to the first ticket, but this one was a bit shiny, showing it was a special one.

The third one was a red dart, which he usually used. The fourth one was a golden card. Nothing noticeable other than the big star carved on its body.

As for the last two, it was his Summoning Gacha. The first one was a shiny silver coin, and the other one was another card with an array that was close to the one he saw in the Gacha Palace Ticket.

"I think there is nothing to explain for these six since all of them are your possessions. Gacha Ticket, Premium Ticket, Dart, Gacha Card for Lucky Box, Summoning Coin, and Summoning Ticket." The system girl explained.

She then pointed her hand to the first machine. "Well, the work of this machine is simple. We just need to put the ticket, and one Gacha would pop out of the machine. If you do it with your usual style, it would need a bit more time to process since the machine would count the number of tickets before shooting all the Gacha Balls. Why don\'t you try to take out the Gacha Tickets? You can just open your inventory and take it out like usual."

Alex furrowed his eyebrows and did what she said. He had more than a hundred Gacha Tickets at the moment, and when he took all of them out, he saw the tickets were connected to each other.

"If you want to use a hundred tickets, then I will split a hundred tickets from this and place it on the machine. Then, you get your Gachas…" She smiled.

Alex nodded and looked at the Gacha Balls inside the machine. He noticed there were three different balls in the machine, in which there was a big \'G\' in the middle of the ball.

"Ah. Because of the title, I have finally sorted things out. The first is these machines, and the second is Gacha Balls. The Common Gacha Ball is the bronze ball, Uncommon is the Silver one, and the gold one is the rare ball."

"As for the Super Rare ball… it has a green jade ball color which is pretty beautiful. And the last one would be the Ultra Rare ball. There is nothing changed in this ball as it has a white and yellow color split into half with a \'G\' on it. However, despite its unattractive color, it has red and blue aura on its body, so I think they are pretty attractive too." She explained.

"I see." Alex nodded. After hearing her explanation, he suddenly remembered about his body. "What happens to my body, by the way?"

"Ah, this is your soul. Actually, you can go to this place with your soul when you reach Martial King. I give you the Gacha Sovereign Title since it will be a perfect fit with this Gacha Palace.

"After you reach Martial King, you won\'t be a ghost like your appearance now. You will have a full body like me. Well, you will still leave your body for an extended period of time though." She said.

"Then, why are you showing me now? I am still an 8-Star Martial Lord." Alex asked.

"Hmm… this is like a beta version, and you are a beta tester. You are the only one who has this though. Fufu…" She chuckled.

"I see." Alex nodded. "Then, how about the other machines? Like this one that looks very similar to a vending machine?" He approached the second machine. The inside seemed to have two different sections. The top one was full of boxes while the bottom one was full of Gacha Ball.

"It is your Premium Gacha, and how it works, it is pretty similar to the vending machine in your memory. You put in the money and choose whatever you want. The only difference is this machine has two money holes. The first one is for a singular ticket which you don\'t use pretty often. You can only get a single Gacha Ball which you will get from one of the bottom sections." She pointed at the Gacha Ball, which had a black color with a big question mark on it.

"Ah, this is an unidentified Gacha Ball. Since you can literally choose one of the balls here, it will be unfair if you can see which one is good and which one is bad."

"Really? Aren\'t you supporting me?" Alex glanced at her.

"Of course, my job is to support you. However, the fairness system has been established from the start, so I can\'t do anything to it." She shrugged.

"..." Alex then looked up to the top section, which had twenty white boxes. "This is the usual box, right?"

"Yes. There are five Gacha Balls inside each box, and the rewards are completely random. Usually, each time you use it, I will randomly pick one of the boxes and send it to you. However, since you can enter here in the near future, you can just choose it yourself." She said.

"Thank you for your hard work."

"No no. I am just simply doing my job in supporting you." She waved her hand. "In fact, even though you can enter here in the future, you can still open the Gacha from the real world like usual. Of course, you will need to enter this world for Dart Roulette and Gacha Box since these two are special."

"Noted." Alex nodded before moving to the third machine. He immediately twitched his eyebrows when he saw the third machine again. He wanted to snap before, but because she surprised him, he could not.

He looked at the spinning Roulette wheel in front of him and asked. "So, what is this all about?"

"This is your Roulette Dart!" She smiled.

"Really?" Alex looked at the Roulette Wheel that was rotating while moving left and right. Before, the Roulette was only rotating in one place, but with this left and right movement, it became far more harder. "So, what\'s the deal with this Roulette Dart?"

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