Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 590 - Bait And Switch

Chapter 590: Bait And Switch

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Blu was very anxious after hearing the news. Samgha City was very close to Spider Fort. If they sent our reinforcement right now, they should be able to avert the crisis. Lord Xie Su had already promised him that as long as he could capture the human devil, he would put in a good word for him and promote him to the next level.

His status in the brood would be completely different once he could be promoted to level A blood kin. The dark ones’ initial levels were determined at birth, same as the primitive Zergs. However, unlike the primitive Zergs who would be content with their inborn abilities, the dark ones had a restless heart that constantly sought more power and control. No one wanted to be just another dark one, and the Zerg race generally considered it a positive trait, as it motivated the dark ones to become stronger.

“Hehe, my lord, I don’t think two people will be able to sack a city. This is the same ruse that they had used on Mephisto. The Samgha city is heavily guarded, and therefore, Wang Tong will not really attack it. Furthermore, if those two human warriors were really so powerful, how could they be detected so easily by our low-level scouts?” Candler explained, although he doubted that his words could get into those dark ones’ three-inches-thick skulls.

Wang Tong was repeating an old game, and his real target was Fort Spider despite his feint on Samgha. Candlers had set his trap and made it look like the Fort was unguarded. While on a winning streak, the brash teenagers would not care to examine the grounds before they made a move. Wang Tong had picked his feint target wisely. The Samgha City was only a couple hundred kilometers away from the fort, and it hosted the key production plan for primitive Zergs. In other words, it did seem like a valid target.

However, Candler knew that Wang Tong would not do House Lie a favor. Plus, the defenders of the Samgha city didn’t go to the front line; instead, they had been searching for Wang Tong around the city.

Even if Wang tong did choose to attack the City of Samgha, he would not be able to sack such a heavily guarded city anyway. As for the potential damage that would be done to the city, Candler couldn’t care a wee bit about it.

He was an immortal, not a dark one, and his only mission was to subdue Wang Tong.?Therefore, he calculated that regardless of the latter’s decision, the situation would always play into the hands of the immortals.

After one day, no further reports about attacks on the Samgha city reached the Fort. Meanwhile, outside Samgha’s city wall, a group of human warriors sneaked quietly through a secret opening on the wall. How did they pass the Zerg guards and constant surveillance?

The Zergs had set up cameras and patrol parties everywhere after the sacking of the four cities. Three hundred men and women were difficult to hide in plain sight; however, they had a special edge that helped them greatly. The Zerg meat they ate gave the soldiers a horrible odor, which worked marvelously in camouflaging themselves. This was not a coincidence, but Wang Tong’s plan all along. Wang Tong had learned this life-saving skill while he was stranded on the remote planet of Norton.

As for girls who didn’t eat the Zerg meat, since there were not a lot of them, they could hide in the middle of the marching formation safely.

The human soldiers’ target had always been Samgha City. It was true that the Spider City was the center of the power in this district, but the human warriors weren’t just after the large cities; they were also after the strategically significant ones, such as Samgha due to its primitive Zerg production capability. To put it simply, Wang Tong’s tactic was to disrupt Zerg production capacities as much as he could. Once he had taken the fuel out of the Zerg war machine, the Zerg army at the frontline would run out of steam very soon.

When one was able to use the bait and switch tactic to the extreme, it would naturally become the bait and not a bait tactic. Wang Tong had calculated all the variables into his plan. He knew that the disturbance he had caused had caught the attention of the immortals. However, their absence from the battlefield meant that they were up to something such as laying a trap for him. In addition, the highest commander of the immortals on Mars had also arrived at the fort, and Wang Tong was very eager to meet him. He knew that the person who was able to gain the trust of Patroclus must be difficult to deal with.

“Boss, we have hit the jackpot! The Samgha city is the main production site of the area. I saw at least three queens in there, and the Zergs are everywhere!” Kong Jie announced as soon as he came back from the scouting mission. He was a young Templar who specialized at acrobatic skills. His quick hands and nimble legs made him the best ranger Wang Tong could ever hope to find. He also had a fast mind, and was able to deduce information about enemies based on seemingly irrelevant observations.

“Looks like none of these Zergs were planning to march to the frontlines. We need to make it a quick and swift victory.”

“No problem! We have been going over the plan many times over!”

The city lord of the Samgha, C-Zhi also received the order to capture the human devil. In order to carry out the instructions, he pulled back the one hundred thousand primitive Zergs that he had sent to the frontline and ordered them to comb the area for any trace of the human soldiers.

There had been sightings of two human soldiers outside the city, and one of them could have been Wang Tong. However, the order from Fort Spider was to march his hundred thousand Zergs to the frontline and completely ignore the defense of the city. Blu made it clear that Wang Tong would not attack Samgha. C-Zhi was not overly concerned about Wang Tong to begin with; therefore, he gladly obeyed the order and was ready to start the march to the war. He always saw himself as the plant manager, and not a warrior. Therefore he was perfectly happy managing the business and letting the others do the fighting.

Suddenly, C-Zhi heard a few explosions outside. He looked outside the window and found out that the sky was raining fire.

It was the human attackers!

“I am Wang Tong. I need to see your city lord!”

“I am Wang Tong. I need to see your city lord!”

Wang Tong waved a bone spear he had snapped off a dark one and shouted. Since the shaft of the bone spear was too large and cumbersome, Wang Tong had cut the spearhead off and fixed it to a wooden pole, making it a perfect scythe-shaped weapon.

Wang Tong swept the scythe and harvested another dozen dark one’s souls. He was very pleased with how easy it could slice a head off a shoulder.

Before he could shout out his name for the third time, C-Zhi charged out of his reticence with a retinue of golden dark ones. This was the first time C-Zhi had ever met a human who was so eager to see him.

“Are you the human devil everyone had been talking about?”

Wang Tong didn’t mind his nickname. “Yes, I guess that is me. Well, if you lay down your weapon and shove your head into you’re a*s and kill yourself, I might not kill you myself.”

It took the dark one a while to get Wang Tong’s dark humor, and they were not impressed at all. Zhi was the first to attack as he shot hundreds of bone shards at Wang Tong and then charged at his target.

Wang Tong didn’t meet his attacker right away; instead, he charged up his GN shield to block the bone shards and then turned on his heels to run where he came from.

“Don’t let him ran away!”

“Whoever kills the human devil, I will increase his rank. Charge!” Zhi shouted. This was also an order that came directly from the Dark Lord.

He was so close to capturing the human devil, and he couldn’t bear the thought of letting him run away.

A swarm of Zergs was hot on Wang Tong’s heel. Wang Tong looked back and saw the sea of monsters; he sighed and lamented at the incredible reproduction ability of the Zergs. Only one look at this endless nightmare would be able to quell most heroes’ will to save the human world.

Wang Tong turned around and picked up speed. He couldn’t afford to waste time, since his mission was to lure the Zergs as far as away from the city as possible.

Meanwhile, Yin Tianzong and Vorenus led a group of METAL soldiers and charged into the streets toward the queen. They needed to close in onto their target as soon as possible since, they had too few soldiers to be involved in a long fight.

Behind the METAL warriors, a massive fire dragon stormed through the city gate and into the heart of the city. Wang Tong and his companions had studied the city’s layout carefully. Therefore, it only took the METAL warriors a few minutes to find out the hiding spot of the queen.

However, as they approached the queen, a large crowd of guards blocked their path. Although most of the Zergs had followed Wang Tong to the other side of the wall, these guards remained faithfully near their royal queen. As one of the most important production facilities, the queens in the city of Samgha were guarded by the most fearsome Zergs.

Suddenly, Yin Tianzong shouted, “Divine Burst! KILL!”

On his command, the human warriors initiated the divine burst tactics simultaneously.?The gloves were off, and there were no more tricks to spare. The human warriors would only win this fight if they possessed true bravery and mettle.

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