The Strongest Businessman

Chapter 55 55: Do You Dare?

The reason that they obeyed the bandit troupe was because of the human flesh that they got to eat every time the troupe slaughtered a group of travellers which allowed them to grow stronger and also the strength that Rodney possessed.

Although the Jagger Wolves submitted already due to Dylan\'s heaven defying strength and agreed to follow him, it did not apply to his employees as they still showed signs of repulsiveness and reluctance due to being unable to devour human flesh any longer. Dylan and company did not engage on wanton slaughter as they vowed to only kill those who have committed heinous crimes. Thus, the Jagger Wolves felt dissatisfied and displeased due to this and occasionally caused trouble.

Although Dylan\'s employees were prepared to kill, some of them did not really want to kill the at first because they​ initially thought that maybe​ not everyone was as evil as Byron or Andrew. But the moment they set foot on the hideout of the bandit troupe, they saw corpses of humans turned into piles of bones that were made into a throne and the den of the wolves at the sides were chewing fresh human flesh.

They became enraged in their hearts​ and found these bandits sick people That\'s why they were able to kill them without battling an eye.

Dylan knew that some of his employees were still hesitant to do so and he knew that this would enable them to strengthen their resolve to vanquish evil and deliver justice by killing these vile men.

He then vowed to himself at that moment in time, "I will only kill those who have sinned and spare the innocent. I do not aspire to be a benevolent hero. I just want to live a life devoided of any type of heinous acts. I want to be able to live a life happily in the way I want it to be without being restraint by anything until I reach my dreams. If someone will not cause harm to me, my family or my friends, I will not do anything to them and maybe we could even be friends but if you do, you will pay tenfold, no even, a hundredfold even!"

When Dylan noticed this, he immediately devised a plan to solve the problem. One night, Dylan placed the Jagger Wolves personally at a nearer distance to the tent. He, then, had his employees lit up the Moonlight Stone Lamp they got from the Bandit troupe brighter which made their shadows more apparent from the outside. His employees asked why he asked them to do this but he declined to answer and enigmatically said.

"Just wait and see." Dylan smiled.

Dylan had his employees got the heads of different spirit beast corpse that they have been storing at the storage ring with the excuse of teaching them butchering skills. Dylan found it amazing how the storage rings have this preservation effect to food stored on it. But after careful thought, Dylan thought that it was because it was a small compressed space that had the abscence of moisture, air, and temperature which were the primary contributors of spoilage.

Hearing the laughing and the loud voices of their new owners, the Jagger Wolves could not sleep and was forced to wake up. They thought of causing some trouble again by howling to interrupt their fun when they saw how those humans were chopping and beheading different spirit beasts one by one while laughing.

The wolves couldn\'t help but shiver especially when they saw a similar wolf type beast being butchered. The wolves subconsciously imagined that it was them being butchered. For them, it was a scene that they would never forget for the rest of their lives. The wolves couldn\'t even sleep fearing that they might dream of what happened earlier.

The next day, the employees were shocked to find that the Jagger Wolves were obedient and showed compliance to travelling with them.

Dylan knew​ that this would happen beforehand because he knew that Jagger Wolves are renowned to be smart animals that are able to understand human speech at the Spirit Veins Realm. If trained well, they could be great mounts.

Since they are able understand human speech with their mental faculties, Dylan hypothesized that they would be also capable of emotions such as fear. From Dylan\'s observation, he was able to prove that his hypothesis was right when he saw the repeated troublemaking these wolves did which exhibited their displeasure.

That\'s why Dylan devised this method to seep in fear to their bones and force them to submission.

To maximize the effects, Dylan added sleeping drugs that would cause a Spirit Veins beast to sleep for half a day to their meals. Having a 12-hour nightmare scare, the wolves were successfully forced into submission.

With the Jagger Wolves being obedient, their travels became easier and faster. Although the farther they went, the more beast attacks and bandit ambushes happened.

On the second week, they​ crossed a forest that was filled with beasts that came in packs. Thankfully, they only fought with a sleuth of Iron-Paw Bears which was only 30 in number and 8th level in strength. Still, they still amassed injuries and wounds from the battle.

On the third week, Dylan and his employees traversed a dessert which had ten quicksands scattered all throughout. They encountered three of the ten massive quicksands and two of which nearly swallowed the whole group alive. The two that nearly swallowed them alive just became active the moment they entered it\'s​ zone so they were unable to anticipate it. Fortunately, the Jagger Wolves have sharp senses and were able to flee when the quicksand was just approaching it\'s peak speed of devouring.

On the fourth week of travelling, they could finally let out a sigh of relief as they travelled peacefully on a grass field until they were able to reach the Thunder Clouds City.

In front of the walls of the Thunder Clouds City...

Dylan and his employees were discussing about the happenings that happened over the past month as they rode their mounts.

"Finally, we reached the city. Oh, man, how I missed civilization huhuhu.\'

"No more bandit attacks!"

"No more stupid beasts who will ambush us! Wooo!\'

"Oh, my gosh, that dessert filled with quicksand still frightens me up until now."

"Hahaha, I know right."

"It was sure scary!"

"The Iron-Paw Bears were really strong. I could still remember the intensity of their strikes."

"You\'re right. I got hit by one of their strikes and nearly got my lights out."

Currently, each one of Dylan\'s employees has reached the 9th level of Spirit Veins Realm! It was because of the loot that they got from the Bandit troupe and the bandit attacks that occurred.

They were also able to master their Middle Spirit Rank Techniques to the Novice Mastery in more than a month of rigorous training. Dylan was impressed by the degree of hardwork and heart they were showing in their trainings. Be it girl or boy, they all showed promised.

Part of the reason for their fast improvement was the method that Dylan used. Dylan divided his employees into groups depending on the techniques they chose so there would be different groups when training Battle, Movement and Secret Techniques. Every group is the group an employee will train on a specific technique.

This way they would be able to quickly identify each others flaws and correcting it through combat. Everyone would also be given more chance to interact with each other therefore improving coordination and familiarity of the skills. It\'s like killing two birds with one stone!

"Okay everyone, let\'s prepare to find a place to stay the moment we enter the city. That is our topmost priority, understood?" Dylan issued a command.

"Yes, sir!" The employees replied.

As they were just going to enter the city gates, they were blocked by the axes carried by the two armored guards.

"What\'s the meaning of this?" Dylan asked as he looked sideways to the guards which are blocking his way.

"We are blocking you. What does it look like?" The large guard from the right who had brown wavy hair with a slightly pointed nose smirked.

"What maybe your reason for obstructing our entry to the city?" Jack asked hurriedly.

"We have three reasons. First, your entrance is unauthorized because you didn\'t present a letter of entry. Second, you are entering with mounts without having a 4th grade noble emblem presented to us, the city guards. Third, you are attempting to enter the city with large groups while having mounts that are ferocious in nature. It is already suspicious that you want to enter the city in large groups, even more so, with mounts like Jagger Wolves." The large guard from the left who had brown-skin and black curly hair enumerated.

"But we didn\'t know that there was such rules." Scott replied as he frowned. Not only him, the entire group was frowning

"It seems like you are from a Outer or Middle Proximity City. Country Bumpkins, sure are ignorant. The Inner Proximity City are a lot more different and more superior than what you think. That\'s why laws are strict here! But, since you didn\'t know, we\'ll be giving you leeway for breaking the law by paying for just compensation. 50 gold coins per person. So all in all, it\'s 40,000 gold coins!" The brown wavy haired guard exclaimed.

"What? 40,000 gold coins?! That\'s daylight robbery!" Allana screeched in discontent and came in front.

"Huh? Robbery? We are just merely doing our job, bitch! So, shut up." The brown-skinned guard cursed and looked intimidatingly at Allana.

"That\'s enough, everyone. Stay behind me. I\'ll handle this." Dylan made his employees take a step back.

"But-" His employees tried to reply when Dylan said.

"It\'s fine. Leave it all to me." Dylan smiled pleasantly to his workers.

"Okay, sir." The employees could only passively concede when they saw their boss\' reassuring smile.

"Oh, so what do we have here? A hero wannabe? Hahaha." The brown wavy haired guard mocked Dylan.

"Hahaha!" The brown-skinned guard laughed.

"Hypocrites." Dylan commented on their absurd behavior.

"What did you just say?!" Both guards ceased laughing and looked furiously at Dylan.

"Unheard of. I have never heard men that would want to be called "Hypocrites". Since that is your wish, I will repeat what I have said. You two are hypocrites." Dylan calmly stated.

"You... Don\'t think I won\'t dare to kill you!" The brown-skinned guard threatened.

"Tsk! Are you insulting us, members of the Thundercloud Guard?! You must have a death wish! Let this people in line be our witness. I\'ll​ make things clear to you! Pay to Enter, Leave, or Die!" The brown wavy haired guard placed an ultimatum.

The people\'s interest were suddenly piqued by the sudden announcement of the guards. They saw that a handsome young man wearing a type of clothing commonly found in Middle Proximity Cities. They were amused and decided to watch how this gutsy country bumpkin would fare against the City Guards.

"Are you threatening me? Fine, then, let the people in line bear witness. I did not do anything to you but you\'re deliberately making things difficult for me and my comrades. I do not meddle with other people\'s business but since you threatened me, I\'ll do the same for you." Dylan spoke.

"Hahaha, what senseless drivel!" The two guards mocked him.

"Really? We\'ll see who\'s talking nonsense." Dylan calmly glanced at the guards.

"First and foremost, you said that we should present the letter of entry? Indeed, we don\'t have one. But as ignorant as I am, I am certain that a protocol must be followed and the conventional approach would be inquiring yet you did not do even this? This could be a sign that you guards are not following the working ethics of a proper guard." Dylan pointed out.

"Ha, you\'re just making assumptions." The brown-skinned guard claimed.

"Second, you said that mounts are not permitted unless a person has a 4th grade noble emblem, right? But what about the group you gave permission to enter two groups prior to us? They rode five 2-meter tall shadow panther. The one which had 10 members, 7 male and 3 female? They did not present a badge or whatsoever. Nobles wear there emblem by their chest. If you want me to find an evidence, nobles​ are everywhere within the city. You can just spot one every second that passes. Despite them not having a noble emblem, you still let them pass? Why? Because they are related to you?" Dylan disregarded the rebuttal of the guard.

"Hahaha, is this all you\'ve got? Making up stories?" The wavy haired guard mocked.

"Am I? Then look 30 meters behind you and see what group is currently discussing." Dylan pointed behind the guards back.

"Hahaha, what are you babbling on abou..." The wavy haired guard couldn\'t continue what he was saying because what Dylan said was on point. The group he described was literally 30 meters away!

"Oh my, it\'s true!"

"They have the five Shadow Panthers!"

"They have 10 members, 7 male and 3 female!"

"It\'s true they don\'t have an emblem on them!"

The crowd was shocked when they saw a group of people like what Dylan described! Every single detail was true. They could see a person passing by wearing an emblem that had the insignia of the Thunder Clouds City!

\'I thought that this group has already entered the center of the city. That\'s why I was so confident. I\'m​ just unlucky today that\'s all. I can still get out of this!\' The wavy haired guard thought.

"Well, it\'s just a coincidence that\'s all. How are you sure that they were not able to give me a letter of entry, huh?" The city guard

"If that\'s true, then you should have at least a single letter of entry with you." Dylan faintly smiled.

"Well, we do! This is a true and genuine letter of entry! Hahaha! You\'re just humiliating yourself, little boy!" The brown-skinned guard showed a letter in the crowd which had the characters "Letter of Entry" to the crowd.

"Then, let someone from our witness, read it." Dylan said as he maintained his smile.

"Urrr​, The letter of entry is... confidential. That\'s why it can\'t be read!" The brown-skinned guard immediately came up with an excuse.

"Is that so? Then let\'s sign a Soul Lock Scroll if what you say is true." Dylan\'s​ smile was filled with calmness as a scroll appeared in his hands. It was from the collection of treasures that the Bandit troupe had.

"You... you must be scheming!? What if you alter the contents of the Contract and force me to speak untruthfully​?!" The brown-skinned guard accused.

"Since everyone here has been made a witness, I\'ll show all of you the contents of the Contract, I\'ll write. I, Dylan Ford, will pay double the amount of the fee for breaking the law if you will assure me and everyone in this line that what you\'re holding is a true and genuine letter of entry. If you were to ever lie, you must pay with your​ life." Dylan wrote on the contract as he spoke out loud.

"Why must I pay with my life? This is clearly unfair! How am I sure that you have the money you mentioned?!" The brown-skinned guard protested.

"Why? Because you said that it is a true and genuine letter and nowadays, you can only trust a person you just met if he put his life on the line. If you\'re telling the truth, then you should be able to sign and keep your life. You would also only be gaining from me. As for the money, I have 18 extra ownerless Jagger Wolves. Each one is a an 8th level Spirit Veins Realm. You could sell one for 5000 gold coins! So all in all, you will have 90,000 gold coins. I kept my end of the bargain. It\'s a big win situation for you right? Are you still unwilling to sign the contract?" Dylan merely answered his questions.

"Or are you lying that\'s why you\'re hesitating? You clearly saw what I have written on the contract right? So, Do you dare?" Dylan calmly spoke with his hands behind his back and still maintained his calm pleasant smile all throughout the debate.

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