Bored Gamer in Other World

Chapter 96 - 96

"What\'s wrong with them, Patriarch?" Clark looked around and saw the vomiting figures of his clansmen.

He really wondered why such an easy thing as eating fish could lead to a catastrophic event like this one.


\'They\'re looking at the fishes like the Devil himself would come out from its flesh.\'

\'How could these people be that traumatized and be unable to eat a single fish for dinner?\'

\'What kind of secret technique is this?\'

\'Are they perhaps cursed? Or was it the fish itself that has been spiked with poison?\' Clark quickly dropped his unfinished meal and looked at the direction of his Elders.

He noticed quite easily that all the four Elders and the Patriarch of the Lu Family never even touched a single scale of fish near them.

\'Did they know that the food has been contaminated beforehand?\' Clark had only this one question in mind as he looked carefully around him.

It did not take long for him to see that Wan Fei who was sitting spectacularly hot beside him was unaffected by the ruckus that was happening abundantly in the place.

But the same could not be said to the current facial expression that she had at the moment.

If Clark could describe the look on her face right now, there would only be one suitable word that would suffice his observation. It was absolute disgust!

Wan Fei has come from royalty and her upbringing may have let her enjoy all the goodness there was in the world along its pleasures. But this exact privilege has also made her weak in some aspects of life.

\'I\'m rather lucky that Lu Chen had already seen a lot more distasteful things like this one in those moments that he frequented the drinking taverns of the slums.\'

Clark took a deep breath to clear his mind.

Ten long seconds passed before Patriarch Lu Jian answered Lu Chen\'s question as he, together with the good Elders around him, could not help but pause to gaze at the nauseating picture before their eyes.

"It is nothing, Elder Lu Chen. They are just..." sickened by the taste of fish that even smelling them up close could bring an outcome exactly like this one before us.

Patriarch Lu Jian would have wanted to add these words but instead lied with a straight face back towards the one who instigated this very thing to happen.

"...unwell for now." The Patriarch sighed and counted three breaths in his mind. Still, he could not resist throwing unspoken curses to our one and only bored gamer.

Because of Lu Chen, not only the Lu Family was totally tired of eating tons of salted fishes for the entire day but it seemed that there was a great chance also for this very person to be the sole cause and reason for the recent demise of an Elder from the Yan Family.

Lu Jian stole a glance at the silent Wan Fei and with this Senior at Elder Lu Chen\'s side at the moment, there was really no other likely culprit in the whole of Nexus but this pair alone.

\'Why? Why has the heavens punished me and our clan to give us yet another troublemaker in our midst?\'

Patriarch Lu Jian recalled the smiling face of an arrogant boy and it brought about conflicting emotions from his heart in remembering this very image right now.

That boy was both the hope and the headache of the clan three years ago.

\'I wonder how Lu Min is faring in the Demonic Sword Sect right now?\' Patriarch Lu Jian sighed and shook his head to escape his silent musings. It was useless to think about these things tonight.

"CLEAN THE PLACE UP!" The Patriarch ordered in a loud voice and within moments, there was a crowd of slaves that rushed into the floors to erase any trace of vomit in the main halls.

It took only 5 minutes of hasty cleaning for the place to look new again. After that, it was Patriarch Lu Jian who led the celebration this time around.

He would not take any chances anymore for Elder Lu Chen to mess things up twice this evening.

"Let the feast begin!" The Patriarch announced and the rest was history. Drinks flowed like waters and the food that was now absent of any kind of fishes whatsoever was delightfully shared by everyone.

And even with the earlier incident, that alone has not shrouded the scene in a depressing atmosphere because its opposite could not have been more obvious in the present.

There were swaying bodies dancing to the music and the hypnotic songs were limitless in serenading more than five hundred people in attendance. The event was simply a success in this aspect alone.

After an hour, some of the most powerful personalities of the clan started recruiting Elder Lu Chen into their fold.

It was after all very beneficial for their sake to drag yet another capable person especially because of what Elder Lu Chen could bring them.

If they were somehow lucky in acquiring the favor of Elder Lu Chen, they would also in effect gain the advantage of getting closer to the mysterious expert beside him.

The beautiful Senior they only knew of as Wan Fei.

"Elder Lu Chen, I am Lu Be. I am the Head of the Trade Pavilion and good friend of Lu Fang.

If you have any need at all in the clan, please don\'t hesitate to summon me at once! I would be more than willing to assist you in any way that i can."

"Greetings Elder Lu Chen, I am..."




And the rest followed to better discuss and maneuver their ways into the notice of the recently positioned Elder of the Clan.

The crowd took almost an hour before they dispersed into their own parties once more. Alas, every single one of them got the same answer in their plea to hug the thick thighs of Elder Lu Chen.

"Thank you everyone for your good graces and kindness! I will take you up on your words and may perhaps take a visit in your residence someday soon.

You should know that I\'ve just recently taken this esteemed position in the clan and would therefore need your guidance and care.

Let us all help each other so that we may be able to make the great name of the Lu Family rise once more in this part of the world!"

This answer calmed the Lu Clansmen down and some of them were even encouraged for the Lu Family\'s bright future ahead.

In the end, Elder Lu Chen has also won the hearts of some through his eloquence and words.

"Elder Lu Chen is really a good capable man!"

"He will bring glory to the clan and even beyond what is expected of him!"

"I will follow Elder Lu Chen from now on. If he told me to go into the fiery Abyss for him once, I will take the extra mile and do it twice to show my loyalty unto his house!"

Unbeknownst to our good gamer, his arrival into the influence of the family has brought not a few fanatics unto his back.

Three hours more of this celebration and the guests finally retired little by little. When the fourth hour arrived, it was only the Four Elders and The Patriarch that was left on the huge dome of celebration.

Of course there was also the Queen Wan Fei amidst them but no one was stupid enough to kick her out from her silent and aloof participation in the party.

"You can stay here for the evening, Elder Lu Chen. We have many rooms for you and for Senior Wan Fei also. Shall i call on my slave to prepare for 2 rooms?"

Patriarch Lu Jian stepped carefully on this sensitive topic because he did not have a death wish on him and offend this strong Senior amongst them.

"Let us not talk about sleeping just yet, Patriarch. I have very important news to tell." Clark started and this has got the attention from the old cultivators in his midst.

"Is it about the godfish, Elder Lu Chen? Do you have any information that you can give more about? It\'s color perhaps, the shape, or its taste?"

Lu Jian and the rest of the Elders sat in attention and they even leaned closer towards Lu Chen hoping to not miss a single word uttered from his lips.

This was very important to them as they could see how amazing the effects were unto Lu Chen.

He not only cultivated successfully from a waste that has no spiritual vein whatsoever but he also defeated and escaped the deadly attention of the League of Shadow Assassins.

"Ahhh... The godfish." Clark muttered and he finally found a clue on what had happened earlier. The puzzles clicked into place and he could not help but laugh slightly in this realization.

\'Those fools! They really believed what I told them! Hehehe!\'

"Ehem..." Clark cleared his throat to force the mirth back down once again. He did not want to hurt the feelings of his Elders more than necessary.

"What i was about to say is not about that, Patriarch, my Fellow Elders. It\'s much more serious than finding a mere godfish."

"What is it, Elder Lu Chen?" Lu Fen, the only woman other than Wan Fei, asked gently. Clark paused and looked at each of the wrinkled faces of his good clansmen.

Three breaths passed before he finally announced in a slow measured voice.

"I want to conquer Nexus for our Lu Family. Will you help me achieve this goal?"

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