Legacy Firing

Chapter 60 - Judged

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Charlus was sitting in a dark room. He was in front of a giant scale. On one side was a single feather - one that belonged to his outstretched wings. His eyes turned to the other side of the scale. It was empty. 

A giant hand was holding the scales, making sure neither tipped towards one side.

Charlus\' body moved forward automatically as if it knew what to do. Charlus stepped onto the empty side of the scale. The giant hands that held the scales balanced left them. 

Charlus immediately saw the day where he massacred the Marconi Family flash in front of him. The scale that Charlus was standing on tipped slightly, but then went back to its original position.

"Thou hast been judged for thy actions! Thou art not guilty!"

Charlus heard a voice boom in his ears. The voice was so loud that the scales shook and Charlus was able to feel the tremors. 


Charlus woke up with a gasp. He got up and went to the bathroom. He washed his face and looked in the mirror. He looked at his face for a while trying to comprehend the dream he saw when he noticed something irregular with his face. 

His eyes were always black in colour. But Charlus was able to notice a tinge of red in them. The red that was so slight reminded him of the same red that adorned his scythe. Charlus welcomed the change but was confused about what it meant. 

Over the entire day of school, Charlus was thinking about his dream and what happened the previous day. Charlus was looking at the new quest he got after finishing the old quest.



[Sam Growsky (Chione Higher Family Member) Lvl 57 defeated]

[1140 Exp Awarded]

[You have levelled up]

[Quest Completed]

[Damsel in Distress]

[Chain Quest]

[Difficulty - D]

[The Boreas Family\'s daughter Eva, is now in danger of being possessed by the goddess of snow, Khione. If Khione descends before the 21st of December, she will not be under the control of the host body. This will lead to the destruction of Los Angeles.]

[Defeat 10 members of the Chione Family]


[2 Levels]

You have received a new quest.

[Damsel in Distress]

[Chain Quest]

[Difficulty - C]

[The Boreas Family\'s daughter Eva, is now in danger of being possessed by the goddess of snow, Khione. If Khione descends before the 21st of December, she will not be under the control of the host body. This will lead to the destruction of Los Angeles.]

[Defeat 1 Executive of Chione Family]

[Earn trust of Boreas Family]


[5 Levels]

[2x Epic Crafting Material]


Charlus started seeing a trend in the difficulty of the Chain Quest. He could only hope it would not become too hard for him. Charlus checked his current level.


Name - Charlus Black

Age - 17

Lvl 62

Exp - 28%

Class - Angel of Death Tier 1

Sub Class - None (Unlocks at Lvl 100)

Title(s) - Trouble Maker, Interrogator

Active Skills - Observe, Soul Shock, Death Field, Soul Reaper, Sword of Death

Passive Skills - Shadow Walk, Scythe Mastery, Wings of Death, Strong Body I, Agile Body I, Immortal Body I, Wise Mind I, Smart Mind I, Balanced Body I

HP - 740/740

MP - 740/740

EP - 740/740

Str - 74

Vit - 74 

Int - 74 

Wis - 74 

Agi - 74 

Lck - 40


Charlus had only one way to get the Boreas Family\'s approval - Juan. The person who was the only link to the Boreas Family that was not overprotected like Eva. If Charlus went after Eva again, he had no doubt that they wouldn\'t hesitate to kill them. So he would have to approach Juan. But Charlus decided that he would do that after defeating the Chione Family Executive. It would be easier if he had a prisoner of value to the Boreas Family.

But Charlus was not sure if he would be strong enough to beat the Executive from the Chione Family with his current strength. So Charlus needed to become stronger. And Charlus had one way in front of him. The dungeon.

Charlus decided that he would spend the entire day in the dungeon and the next too. It was Thursday. Charlus had till Sunday before the Boreases would know that Charlus wasn\'t under oath anymore. So he needed to become fast. Quick.


School finished and Charlus went back to his apartment quick, deserting Lucie. Lucie was now spending more time with her friends, leaving Charlus alone to do his own stuff. Chalrus preferred it. It wasn\'t like he wanted someone nosy poking their heads into his business.

Charlus got into his car and drove to the gaming cafe that Brody took him to to show him the dungeon. Charlus quickly entered the dungeon. He was in a hurry.

Charlus was alone this time. He did not need to hide any of his power. So Charlus decided to equip all his equipment and took out his scythe. He started hacking away at the skeletons that came towards him. 

Charlus quickly finished killing 100 Skeleton Soldiers and had levelled up twice. But Charlus had a plan in mind that would be greater than a few 2 levels. He was planning something big.

Charlus went to the next level. He faced against the stronger Skeleton Soldiers. Charlus wanted to warm up a little. He took his scythe out and swung it around. He hit quite a few Skeleton Soldiers. But they still didn\'t get finished in a single hit. But Charlus knew that he would be able to change that once he was high levelled.

He had improved since last time. Now he took just two hits to take out each skeleton soldier. Charlus still had to face against a Skeleton Calvary. But Charlus wanted to level up instead of move to the next floor. That was not something that was putting Charlus in a time crunch. The Boreas Family was. 

Charlus felt that he was warmed up enough. He stretched his wings and flew towards the dust cloud that was a lot closer than before. Charlus figured that he had spawned in a spot different than before. He just hoped that no one would have to spawn in the middle of the army.

Charlus flew close to the army. This time he did something brave. Instead of using flying knives which he thought was a waste of resources, he directly dropped the grenades he had on the Skeleton Army.


Charlus saw a huge chain of explosions behind him as he racked in more and more Exp.

[Skeleton Soldier Lvl 32 defeated]

[480 Exp Awarded]

[Skeleton Soldier Lvl 35 defeated]

[525 Exp Awarded]

[Skeleton Soldier Lvl 30 defeated]

[450 Exp Awarded]

Charlus smiled. His plan was ingenious. He would catch up to Juan in no time.


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