Da Tang Shuang Long Zhuan

Book 43 - 4 – On All Sides, The Songs of Chu 1

And then he turned to Ke Dazhi and asked, “Am I right?”

Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong exchanged a glance; both could see the dissatisfaction toward Tuli in the other’s heart.

They were all brothers, yet in making a series of major decisions, first in the reconciliation with Xieli, and now in deploying the army to wipe out the Bohai Kingdom, which establishment was going to be proclaimed the day after tomorrow, unexpectedly not even a single word was offered toward the two boys, implicating the two that they were caught in the middle, both in the sense that the two could not bear to see the people of Longquan City in terrible situation, while also put the two in danger of being harmed by Bai Ziting at any moment.

Bai Ziting straightened his back, revealing the consider-himself-unexcelled-in-the-world air of an overlord, he threw his head back and let out a long laughter, saying, “Since that’s the case, I am asking Ke Jiangjun to report back to Great Khan, the Five-Colored Stone is not in my, Bai Ziting’s hands at all, I am afraid it’s difficult to fulfill the Great Khan’s wish.”

“Very well!” Ke Dazhi loudly responded, “Mojiang will convey Da Wang’s message without missing a word to the Great Khan.”

Turning to Shang Xiufang, he saluted and said, “Xiufang Dajia, please pack up your luggage immediately, we must depart without delay.”

‘Bad!’ immediately Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling cried in their hearts; based on Shang Xiufang’s nature that loathed war and violence, how could she accept Ke Dazhi’s proposal?

Sure enough, Shang Xiufang sighed faintly and said, “This time I am coming to Longquan is to present my art to the newly established Bohai Kingdom. Without singing and dancing on the stage, Xiufang will definitely not leave. Ke Jiangjun, please proceed as you wish.”

Ke Dazhi revealed an astonished expression; obviously, unlike Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, he did not understand Shang Xiufang. His gaze swept over Liexia, who was sitting by her side with pleased-with-himself expression; he wanted to say something but then hesitated, in the end he simply saluted and said, “Mojiang must report Da Wang’s message to the Great Khan; later on I will return to wait for Xiufang Dajia’s instructions.”

Bai Ziting did not seem to take Tujue Army’s threat to heart; he casually said, “If Ke Jiangjun wants to come back to see Xiufang Dajia, you’d better do it during the day, because starting from tonight, Longquan will observe night curfew, which will go into effect immediately.”

Zong Xianghua shouted tenderly, “Receiving the imperial decree,” and then she turned around and left. From this moment on, Longquan was entering the state of war!

Inwardly Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were severely shaken. Unexpectedly Bai Ziting was unafraid of the Tujue Wolf Army, which was able to crisscross the prairie unmatched.

Ke Dazhi also revealed a doubtful look. Bai Ziting’s current action was akin to declaring war against Xieli and Tuli’s allied armies; what was it that he was relying on? He looked at Bai Ziting deeply, before nodding his head and said, “Even if in the future I square up for a fight against Da Wang on the battleground, Mojiang admires Da Wang’s valor very much.”

His gaze flitted across Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, he retreated to the door. After saluting, he left, upright and unafraid.

Kou Zhong was confused; didn’t they agree to deal with Shen Mohuan together? But looking at Ke Dazhi’s demeanor now, it was clear that Ke Dazhi has received Xieli’s order to leave the city immediately; what’s going on here?

Because Xu Ziling was unaware of the latest development between the two, he was not as confused as Kou Zhong; hence he paid particular attention to the other people’s reaction.

Funantuo was still calm and collected and natural, acting mysterious and unfathomable. Fu Junqiang, three people had different expressions. The young martial art master’s pair of beautiful eyes was flashing brightly; it appeared that her mood was excited by to the Tujue Army’s threat. Jin Zhengzong’s sword eyebrows were furrowed, his expression heavy. The corner of Han Chao’an’s mouth was pregnant with cold laugh, giving up the impression that he had a card up his sleeve.

The most unusual was Liexia. His countenance alternated between clear and dark, only the refined light in his eyes was flashing brightly. It seemed like he was concerned about the survival of the not-yet-established Bohai Kingdom more than anyone else.

Shang Xiufang hung her cicada head low; obviously her peace-loving fragrant heart has really been broken by the cruelty of men-dominated war.

While Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were burdened by their respective worry, Shang Xiufang stood up gracefully. Everybody, including Funantuo, who was still sitting, busily stood up to accompany her. Evidently this top beauty both in terms of look and skill still occupied majestic position in everybody’s heart.

Bai Ziting pulled back his gaze from looking outside the door and cast it onto Shang Xiufang, he spoke in astonishment, “People say having wine this morning, let’s get drunk this morning, tomorrow’s worry, we’ll deal with it tomorrow, if the sky is falling down, let the top of the head block it. Why don’t we drink tonight and won’t go home before we’re drunk?”

Shang Xiufang shook her head and said, “Xiufang suddenly feels a bit tired, I want to retire to my room to rest.”

Turning to Funantuo, she said, “Guoshi said that the battlefield is the best place to cultivate the Way to Live or Die, and now Xiufang finally understands the wonderful truth within in. Thank you for the instruction!”

She slowly left her seat. Liexia hastily pulled the chair for her and spoke softly, “Let this ignorant person keep Xiufang Dajia company for a couple of steps!”

Shang Xiufang cast her gaze toward Kou Zhong, her eyes showed an incomparably complex emotion. Shaking her head to decline Liexia’s good intention, she spoke indifferently, “Xiufang wants to walk back quietly, alone.”

Under everybody’s watchful gaze, she gently moved her jade steps, straight toward the main entrance, before looking back. Her face revealed a sad expression that broke everybody’s heart, but the tone of her voice was still extremely serene, as she spoke to Kou Zhong, “If Shaoshuai has time tomorrow, I wonder if you could come into the Palace to see Xiufang?”

Kou Zhong promptly gave his words, musing inwardly that as long as he was still alive, tomorrow morning he would definitely come to see her lotus-self.

Shang Xiufang saluted and left, the imperial bodyguards and the maids immediately escorted ahead and behind her.

The banquet failed to be a banquet.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling seized this opportunity to take their leave.

After the two boys refused Bai Ziting’s offer to send carriage under imperial bodyguards’ escort to go back to their mansion, Bai Ziting said, “In that case, let Bai Ziting send two gentlemen off a little bit!”

The two were greatly astonished, they couldn’t say anything to decline.

Bai Ziting explained a little bit to Fu Junqiang and the others, he also asked Funantuo to take care of Fu Junqiang, Liexia, and the others on his behalf, before waving the guards to retreat, and then just like that, he accompanied the two boys walking in the direction of the palace gate.

They walked past the palace halls, terraces, and pavilions, which were as graceful and magnificent as the original Taiji Palace in Chang’an, but Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were completely in a different mood, thinking about all the beautiful sceneries before their eyes were about to be destroyed by man-made howling wind and torrential rain crisis.

After walking quietly by Kou Zhong’s side for a while, Bai Ziting suddenly said, “If two gentlemen were in my, Bai Ziting’s situation, what would you do?”

Kou Zhong sighed and said, “On this matter, Ziling’s and my answer will definitely not be the same; Da Wang wants to hear which opinion?”

Laughing involuntarily, Bai Ziting said, “I want to hear both opinions. Shaoshuai, please tell me yours first!”

The faint sound of hoof beats was heard, coming from the direction of the Palace City. It looked like the female general Zong Xianghua was moving the army and sending her generals to execute the night curfew imperial decree and strengthen the city defense. The panic inside the heart of the people within the city could be easily imagined.

When the city gate opened tomorrow, as long as Bai Ziting was willing to open the guarded entrance, those who were able to leave the city would leave to flee the calamity; only people who supported Bai Ziting would stay.

Kou Zhong spoke indifferently, “This time Da Wang is ready to establish the kingdom, military intelligence is the number one priority on the battlefield. If I were Da Wang, if at this moment I still do not know the Tujue coalition army’s position and military power, I would immediately abandon the city and flee for my life. As long as the green mountain still exists, no need to be afraid that there will be any shortage of firewood.”

Bai Ziting halted his steps; he looked deeply into Kou Zhong’s eyes and said, “Three days ago, their main forces were still thirty li west of Hualin, their military strength is around fifty thousand men, consisting mainly of the Black Wolf Army. But I really don’t know where they are right now. However, as soon as they enter the limit of the area under my watch, I guarantee that they cannot hide from my eyes and ears.”

Kou Zhong said, “Fortunately, this is a city and not an open space in the wilderness, otherwise their main forces might come faster than your scout could return to report to you. In Tongwan, we have experienced the Tujue people’s tactics. Before they arrived, there was not the least bit of omen; by the time we found out, there was barely half a moment left before they arrived, swift like the wind, strong like the fire.”

Xu Ziling said, “If Tujue people besiege the city, while with all their strength they seal off all passages leading to Longquan, cutting off water and mountain traffic, laying out layer upon layer of siege, turning Longquan into a lonely city, how long does Da Wang think you can last?”

A hint of what appeared to be a-card-up-his-sleeve smiling expression escaped from the corner of Bai Ziting’s mouth; he said, “Two gentlemen’s knowledge of Longquan is not deep, hence you did not know that Longquan has always been self-sufficient; therefore, we are not afraid of a siege. What I am worried about is that in recent years, in order to march into your Central Earth, Xieli and Tuli had spent a lot of effort to study the tactics to besiege a city, and Zhao Deyan is precisely a famous expert in military strategy on besieging a city. With him presiding over the general situation, it is really not easy to withstand.”

Kou Zhong said, “Has Da Wang ever considered postponing the establishment of your kingdom to seek for peace with the Tujue?”

Bai Ziting shook his head resolutely and said, “That is impossible. Nothing can change my decision to formally establish the kingdom the day after tomorrow.”

Finished speaking, he led the way to continue walking with his hands behind his back, each step was so steady and powerful.

Bai Ziting laughed aloud again and said, “In all my life I have been studying military campaigns, both of the ancient and modern times; whether it was big war or small battle, famous or obscure, I did not miss anything. From these, I drew out a principle, which is: there is no battle where victory is assured. There are endless variables on the battlefield. For example, the reason I chose the fourth month to found my country is because the fourth month is the season where we have the most rain, which is beneficial for defense but unfavorable for offense.”

Again Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling felt the need to re-estimate this person, thinking that if there were more rain like the downpour this morning, it would certainly paralyze the Tujue allied armies’ attack.

Kou Zhong said, “But Da Wang could never have thought that Xieli and Tuli would become reconciled and join hands to attack Longquan.”

The three men stepped out of the Palace gate and entered the Imperial City area, only to see team after team of cavalry squads galloping along the wide imperial road linking the Palace gate and the Imperial City’s Vermillion Bird Gate, and out of the Vermillion Bird Gate.

Despite the sound of hoof beats shaking the heavens, the atmosphere was surprisingly calm, showing that the warriors and soldiers under Bai Ziting’s command, none was not well-trained elite squad; their formation intact, they were not at all affected by the Tujue army’s threat that they were agitated and restless, or even excessively nervous.

Bai Ziting halted his steps and said, “Not that I have not considered it, in fact, we have considered all possibilities, only we did not think that two gentlemen might come here. I want to ask two gentlemen a favor, hoping that two gentlemen would not refuse.”

‘Here it comes!’ Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling cried inwardly. The former said, “We are listening with respectful attention.”

Suddenly more than a dozen riders galloped over. The leader was Zong Xianghua. Gongqi was one of them. All were in general-ranked uniform in full armor. The formation was orderly, they rushed to about a zhang away from the three before pulling the rein and the warhorses stood still. While the horses were rearing and neighing, Zong Xianghua and the others pulled the saber from their waist and raised it toward the bright moon in the sky, and shouted together. The movement was uniform and pleasant to the eyes.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling did not understand Mohe language, but they could guess that they must have sworn an oath to die for Bai Ziting.

The atmosphere was blazing.

Bai Ziting responded in a loud voice.

The horses calmed down, one after another the group of generals dismounted their horses, and then without even a single glance toward Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, they entered the Palace City’s main gate in single file, while the imperial guards led the horses away. Obviously they were ready for a military meeting with Bai Ziting.

Kou Zhong loved to look at Zong Xianghua the most, but this moment he had no choice but to turn his attention to Gongqi, noticing that his pair of eyes was blazing with fanatical light, while thinking that if just now they stepped out of the Vermillion Bird Gate and suffered an ambush, it should have nothing to do with Gongqi, because due to the meeting that was about to start, he could not possibly spare time for a separate task.

Xu Ziling, however, was thinking that if the army and people of Longquan had become Funantuo’s followers, they would think that death was just another kind of promotion rather than the end, then everybody would turn into a warrior unafraid of death. It would not be a laughing matter.

Bai Ziting’s voice rang out and entered the two boys’ ears, saying, “Xieli and Tuli must not lose this battle; otherwise the history of the prairie will have to be rewritten.”

Kou Zhong had never thought that the Tujue’s Wolf Army that swept across the prairie would be defeated under Bai Ziting’s hands, but this moment he witnessed Mohe army’s rainbow-like momentum and their rousing fighting spirit plus how astute and formidable Bai Ziting was, how he stood tall and saw far. For the first time he thought that this possibility indeed existed.

Bai Ziting changed the subject completely, saying, “That day at the Duba Village relying on ruined army and wounded soldiers, utilizing the solid Jingling’s city wall Shaoshuai repelled Du Fuwei’s Jianghuai imposing army outside the city. This battle has made Shaoshuai stand out as conspicuously brilliant, while also made Du Fuwei feel deeply the latter wave pushing forward the former wave, which resulted in later on he acknowledged allegiance to Li Shimin.”

Greatly surprised, Kou Zhong said, “How could Da Wang know the Central Earth’s affairs as clearly as if you personally witnessed it?”

Bai Ziting led the two boys passing through the King City, to avoid the cavalry soldiers going back and forth along the imperial road, taking a detour along the corridor winding around the east side of the King City, heading toward the Vermillion Bird Gate. He spoke while walking, “Every month on the first and the fifteenth, I receive the report concerning the latest development from the Central Earth. Just like Shaoshuai said, military intelligence is the top priority, right?”

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling exchanged a glance; they both think that Bai Ziting was the other ambitious and ruthless character, apart from Xieli, who was having wild schemes toward the Central Earth. If he was allowed to proclaim himself hegemon over the prairie, he would bring even more far-reaching harm to the Central Earth! Because on the prairie, no one was more proficient in the Central Earth’s politics and culture than he.

Xu Ziling said, “Didn’t Da Wang want to speak your mind just now?”

The Vermillion Bird Gate was in sight.

More than twenty imperial guards at the gate stood respectfully to pay their respect, shouting out in Mohe language together, which they guessed if not ‘Long live my king’, then must be ‘my king will prevail’, or something like that.

The two were having more headaches over Da Xiaojie’s eighty thousand sheets of sheepskin and Pingyao merchant’s batch of goods. Presently, while the war was looming and the people were unafraid of even the Tujue Wolf Army, asking them to spit out those things was only a lunatic raving.

Bai Ziting halted his steps again, he looked at the two up and down with rapt attention, and then smiled and said, “Tomorrow morning after Shaoshuai sees Xiufang Dajia, I wonder if you could leave Longquan immediately? This person would be very grateful.”

Although he was speaking politely, it was actually an imperial decree to expel foreigners, hinting that were it not for he was giving Shang Xiufang some face, he would make them leave immediately. But it was difficult for the two boys to blame him. They were both brothers of Tuli, while also figures with splendid military successes, like celestial soldiers and immortal generals; not having them killed on the spot could be said that it was already extreme benevolence, utmost duty.

Kou Zhong replied with a wry smile, “If we are still alive tomorrow, certainly we will comply with Da Wang’s instruction. It’s just Xiufang Dajia, she ...”

Bai Ziting threw his head back in long laughter, heroic feeling aroused, and then the laughter stopped, his expression became incomparably grim, he spoke slowly, word by word, “Xiufang Dajia is the woman that this person admires the most; even if Longquan is razed to the ground, I can guarantee that no one can harm the fraction of her hair. Even savages like Xieli, Tuli, will only show her utmost respect and courtesy. Shaoshuai, set your heart at ease. Please!”

Stepping out the Vermillion Bird Gate outside the King City Gate, the entire Vermillion Bird Gate and the entire Vermillion Bird Boulevard were as quiet as a ghost domain. Only the group of cavalry, which was following closely behind them, was turning around and going away, leaving the sound of their hoof beats moving farther and farther away. It was like a different universe that had nothing to do with the previous world of shaking-the-heaven noise, the people-and-carriages-coming-and-going scene.

Kou Zhong sighed and said, “My anti-assassination grand plan is definitely going down the drain. Later on, Laozi is going to be called Zhong Kou. In this kind of situation, assassination is just a joke.”

Xu Ziling nodded in agreement. In situation like the present, without any cover at all, how could the assassination be carried out? They would only attract the patrolling troops’ intervention.

Another squad of cavalry galloped out of the Vermillion Bird Gate and turned left to the main street; they even saluted the two from a distance.

Who could have predicted that when they left the Palace, the situation would be like this?

Xu Ziling breathed out long and slow breaths, he said, “Bai Ziting will definitely not let us leave Longquan alive.”

Shaken, Kou Zhong said, “It can’t be that serious!”

Xu Ziling said, “This morning when he came to the courtyard house to look for us, he already had the murderous intention, now he can’t possibly let the tiger return to the mountain even more, because he is afraid we will help Tuli to attack Longquan. War has never spoken about compassion, duty, propriety and integrity; by fair means or foul, he wants to kill us. And tonight is the best opportunity.”

Kou Zhong did not understand, “Since that’s the case, why didn’t he make his move at the Palace just now?” he asked.

Xu Ziling replied, “Because he still does not have a hundred-percent confidence that he might be able to put Tuli in order, hence he does not want to have the criminal charge of killing us on his back. As long as we are not dead inside the Palace, he could push the responsibility away, neat and clean, to let Shen Mohuan and the others carry this black pot on their back.”

Sucking in a mouthful of cold air, Kou Zhong said, “That kid Ke Dazhi has left, Xianzi also went out of town to look for Zhu Yuyan, most likely there are a large number of martial art masters waiting for us to walk right into the trap at the courtyard house. All the city gates are tightly guarded, we are like being trapped in a large cage, where can we go that is safe?”

Xu Ziling’s eyes swept across the roof on the buildings on both sides of the street; in each and every house, the lantern was black the fire dark, he wondered aloud, “How come we don’t see Yin Xianhe?”

His scalp went numb, Kou Zhong said, “For the first time I have the feeling that life and death is no longer under my control, but it is decided by other people’s hands. Now, as soon as the enemy from whichever side comes to launch a full-strength attack, we won’t be able to hold out too long.”

He went on, “Should we run away outside the city immediately, the farther the better?”

Xu Ziling shook his head firmly and said, “Tonight not only we must survive, we must also kill Shen Mohuan and Shi Zhixuan. Injuries have injuries’ move; this is your distinguished self’s bold, visionary words.”

Kou Zhong took a deep breath. His pair of eyes exuded firm and persistent, unyielding expression, he said, “You said it well. Greedy for life, afraid of death is absolutely not the way to face the enemy. We’d better look for Yuekepeng first; he is perhaps the only person who can help us now.”

Xu Ziling nodded in agreement. The two boys quickened their pace, they strode along the street first before turning into a side alley. In the twinkling of an eye they disappeared in the deep darkness of Longquan city.

[1] Chapter title: idiom: surrounded by enemies, isolated and without help.

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