A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy

Chapter 48

48. The Beast Bead is Eaten

Edgar had never liked a sub-beastman before and most likely wouldn’t like any sub-beastman in the future either.

He understood himself very well. Since he already liked Shu Shu, he would definitely not like any other again from now on.

As for Shu Shu\'s feelings towards him . . . . He had the confidence to achieve the best, making Shu Shu slowly like him.

Although a beastman loving another beastman and a sub-beastman loving another sub-beastman were considered illegal in ancient times, but people nowadays could already treat such relationships with tolerance.

In this case, it would be better to just give his beast bead to Shu Shu, which counted as showing his determination.

"Is it alright to give me such a precious thing?" Shu Shu asked, staring at the red bead on Edgar\'s hand. If it were him, he certainly wouldn’t be willing to give the red bead in his body to others.

"Only you who are the most precious." Edgar said.

Shu Shu didn\'t know why his heartbeat suddenly sped up, but he nevertheless refused, "No way, I can\'t accept it."

"Then you just help me keep it safe." Edgar said. "This thing’s very important. You absolutely mustn’t tell others that I gave it to you, and you can never give it to others as well."

"Why don\'t you keep it safe yourself?" Shu Shu asked.

"I’m afraid that others will know that it’s on me." Edgar said with a smile. "And I’m also afraid that others will come to grab it."

Shu Shu looked Edgar up and down and realized that the only place where Edgar could conceal some things on his body was apparently in his space button, which clearly could change owner. As for swallowing the beast bead down into the stomach . . . .

After he swallowed the red bead down into his stomach, he couldn’t spit it out again. But this red bead seemed to not take root in Edgar’s body?

If it was like this, Edgar indeed didn’t have a place to put this red bead.

"I’ll help you keep it safe then. I’ll just put it inside my food pouch. You can rest assured that my pouch’s very safe, and only I can open it. I’ll never let outsiders see the bead." Shu Shu said.

"That\'s good." Edgar said with a smile. He originally wanted to tell Shu Shu that if this bead fell into the hands of others, he would be subjected to a life worse than death. But he thought it was such a grave thing to say, and he was afraid that it would frighten Shu Shu badly, so he simply didn’t say it.

In any case, after the beast bead left a beastman\'s body, in just two or three days’ time, it would be ruined and no longer have any effect. At that time, it was not important anymore.

Shu Shu took Edgar\'s red bead and put it into his own food pouch.

Shu Shu’s current appearance was totally like a sub-beastman. Seeing this scene, Edgar had the feeling of his beast bead being eaten by Shu Shu and could not help but want to kiss him.

But unfortunately, he was clearly aware that Shu Shu was a beastman. Even if Shu Shu really ate his beast bead, his beast bead would only get damaged inside Shu Shu’s body.

"It’s late; go to sleep." Edgar said.

"Okay." Shu Shu nodded and returned to his own room.

After returning to his room, Shu Shu strangely couldn\'t fall asleep. He could not stop thinking about the bead that Edgar gave to him . . . . He struggled internally and finally couldn’t hold himself back from taking the red bead out of his food pouch.

It really had to be said that the red bead he had eaten at the beginning was simply not as pretty as the one Edgar gave him and didn’t look as tasty either . . . .

Having held and inspected the red bead for a while, Shu Shu then stuffed it back into his mouth, but he didn’t immediately put it back into the food pouch. Rather, he kept sucking on it.

This red bead tasted like Edgar, and he liked it very much.

Shu Shu played with the red bead in his mouth incessantly, using his tongue to roll it around. After a long time, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva and suddenly discovered a problem.

The red bead was not in his mouth!

He didn\'t put the red bead into his food pouch and didn\'t open his mouth either. So . . . he actually ate the red bead?

What Edgar had him keep safe was accidentally eaten by him!

What should he do? Shu Shu was desperate. He quickly meditated and started to search his own body with the inner sight.

He finally passed through the heavenly tribulation and became a human. Now his body was full of spiritual power, and there was also a golden core in his dān tián, spinning round and round.

His golden core was different from Edgar\'s; it was smoother, rounder, and prettier. Well, maybe it was just his own impression.

Shu Shu carefully inspected the inside of his body, focusing his attention on the stomach area. However, his body only had the red bead that he had ingested long ago and absolutely didn’t have the red bead that he swallowed just a moment ago.

How could this red bead not be sensed? Shu Shu was somewhat confused. In addition, he felt that he had let Edgar down. And when he was fretful, he couldn’t help but want to eat something.

While gnawing on the snacks taken out of his food pouches, Shu Shu suddenly figured out that he should be able to draw that bead out after he ate a lot.

Thinking this way, Shu Shu did not sleep but began to eat continuously instead. And then, he used his spiritual power as digestion aid . . . .

Finally, Shu Shu had to go to the toilet! He went into the toilet, but after a while, he still did not find anything inside . . . . Maybe he had to wait for next time?

The food that Shu Shu hid in his food pouches was all small snacks. Many of them were from Gass planet, and the taste was absolutely not as good as the taste of the food in the capital star. Shu Shu was originally not hungry, so he was naturally very fed up with eating so much. He got up from the bed and finally went to the kitchen.

Unfortunately, the food he and Edgar ate was prepared by the chef and delivered by the robot, so the kitchen was completely clean and had nothing at all.

In the end, robot 006 found Shu Shu, "Excuse me, may I ask if you need any help?"

"I’m hungry. Can you give me something to eat?" Shu Shu asked.

“When do you want to eat? What do you want to eat?” 006 asked. “It’s already very late now. Having the chef prepare a meal may take quite a while. It’ll be faster to order takeout.”

“Takeout then.” Shu Shu said. So late at night, he also didn’t have the nerve to make the chef get up and cook for him. Therefore, he had better eat takeout.

006 nodded, and a three-dimensional menu that could be selected with a finger touch immediately appeared in front of Shu Shu. "Please choose."

Shu Shu had seen his owner order takeout before. With just a few taps on the mobile phone, someone then delivered the food and so on to the door. It was truly wonderful. Could he also try it now?

These takeouts were all very expensive, but they really look very tasty . . . . Thinking that his identity chip contained a lot of money from Edgar, Shu Shu was reckless and ordered thousands of takeouts.

Since he bought takeouts, he was waiting for them to be delivered at home. Naturally, he wouldn\'t know that all the restaurants he had ordered takeout from were getting excited right now.

Someone ordered takeout from their restaurant, and the address of the home delivery was the Imperial palace! The one where the crown prince lived!

The crown prince had grown so big, but this was the first time he ordered takeout, ah! Did this mean that their takeout was very delicious?

These takeout restaurants immediately typed out a slogan on the star network, "The Crown Prince Ordered Takeout from My Restaurant". Eventually, they saw each other’s slogan . . . . The crown prince actually ordered so many takeouts at the same time? Could he finish all those foods?

Shu Shu was certainly not aware of people’s misgivings on the star network. It didn\'t take long for 006 to bring the takeouts to him, and as soon as he got his hands on them, he started to eat without stopping.

When Edgar heard the sound of activities outside, he initially ignored them all, but the noise subsequently grew louder and louder. He eventually got up and then saw that Shu Shu was eating junk food, and there were already a few emptied takeout containers on the side.

"Are you hungry?" Edgar asked. "Do you want me to increase the quantity of each meal later?" Shu Shu was a beastman; considering that he was a growing beastman, it was normal for him to eat more.

"No need, no need. It’s enough already. Today’s a special situation." Shu Shu kept eating, and his belly ultimately bulged up. After lying down and resting on the sofa for a while, the food in his stomach and intestines that was being digested at the fastest speed with the help of his spiritual power finally reminded him that he should go to the toilet.

Shu Shu quickly ran to the toilet, but the red bead was still not drawn out in the end.

What should he do? Where the heck did Edgar’s red bead go? Shu Shu was at his wits\' end. He searched the inside of his own body once again, and this time, he unexpectedly discovered that a certain part of his body was slightly different.

Was that a dot inside his tailbone? There was suddenly a gray ball in that place now . . . . It should be the red bead, shouldn’t it? How did it turn into a gray ball? Moreover, it seemed to be taking root in his stomach.

Shu Shu felt a little uneasy and came out of the toilet very slowly.

"Are you feeling ill?" Edgar was a bit worried.

"I’m fine . . ." Shu Shu said. He didn\'t know how he was going to tell Edgar about the red bead. He was actually careless enough to eat the thing that Edgar had him keep safe. This was really a disaster!

If Edgar knew, would he take him to the operating table? Shu Shu didn\'t want his belly to be split and his intestines opened. He had better rack his brains first. Maybe he could think of a way to take out the red bead?

Shu Shu yawned and kept using his spiritual power to pay attention to the gray ball inside his body.

The ball didn\'t move one bit. It seemed that when the red bead he had eaten was going to be discharged, it rolled into the intestines and then got stuck there.

Shu Shu was a little depressed, but he couldn\'t think of a way and could only set this matter aside for now. Afterwards, he was sent to school by Edgar.

"Here’re some invitation cards. The banquet will be held in the Imperial palace in a few days. If you have someone you want to invite, give them an invitation card. If there’s no one you want to invite, then not inviting anyone at all also doesn’t matter." Edgar took out a full fifty electronic invitation cards and put them into Shu Shu’s space button.

"I’m not very familiar with my classmates, so I don’t need that many." Shu Shu quickly said. So many beautiful electronic invitation cards would be wasted since he definitely wouldn’t use the whole lot.

"You just hold on to them. If you don’t use them this time, you can still use them for next time after changing the programmed content." Edgar said.

It could also be like this! Shu Shu felt relieved now. After he got off the aircraft, he waved goodbye to Edgar and then walked quickly to his classroom.

As before, Shu Shu was the first student to arrive in class. After he arrived, he began to prepare for the lesson by reading the material in the book. He even found an extracurricular book to read.

When Shu Shu had read more than half of the extracurricular book, his classmates arrived. Synthia also arrived in a rush and sat next to him.

In the past, before the class started, the students in the class would be fixing their makeups. Today was different though. Everyone was chatting, talking about one thing—a banquet would be held in the Imperial palace!

"The empress was born as a commoner. Since he became an empress, he has only organized less than ten banquets in total in the Imperial palace! Waiting for the next one to come isn’t easy, ah!"

"Finally, there’ll be a banquet again. My father said that he’d definitely find a way to get an invitation, and then he’d take me along."

"My boyfriend said that he could get an invitation and might take me along."

"Going to the Imperial palace to attend the banquet means I can see His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince at a close distance, which is really great!”

. . . . . .

These people discussed the banquet spiritedly. After that, they had discussions about wanting to have their formal attires custom made and started talking about which family’s jewelries looked good.

Shu Shu had passed through the inner demon tribulation yesterday, and now, his ears were clear and his eyes keen. He could hear the words these people said very clearly, even if they were only spoken in a whisper. And for a moment, he was somewhat unhappy.

Why were there so many people who kept thinking about Edgar?

"Right, I heard that the banquet this time is because the empress wants to introduce one of his relatives."

"The empress\' relative? Who is it?"

"Maybe it’s the future crown princess!"

"No way, are you saying that Myer isn’t the given crown princess?”

. . . . . .

The sub-beastmen of the bridal class were all noble-born, but there wasn’t any who was born to the major nobility. At that time when the Beastman Empire was first established, everything was decided by military force. As a result, the nobility was all strong, and the major nobility with special bloodline was even stronger. However, such a strong person generally wasn’t able to procreate easily.

The major nobility’s life span was approximately two hundred years, and they often had two or three children. Needless to say, it was impossible for them to allow these children to be satisfied just to get through . . . . Sub-beastmen born to the major nobility received elite education from childhood; naturally, they would not come to the bridal class to study.

The students of the bridal class had heard of some vague information—for example, a relative of the empress went to live in the Imperial palace—but they did not know that said person was Shu Shu. After a while, they even started to discuss the looks of the empress’ relative.

Shu Shu felt bored after listening for a while. Then he saw that beside him, Synthia was staring at those people with hope and expectation across his whole face.

"You want to go too?" Shu Shu asked.

"I want to go, ah! I’ve never been to the Imperial palace!" Synthia answered and then continued with grieving red eyes, "Unfortunately, I definitely won’t be able to go. My father has an invitation, but he undoubtedly isn’t willing to take me along."

Shu Shu had never asked about Synthia\'s home situation. Now, seeing Synthia\'s pitiful appearance, it was even more unlikely for him to question Synthia closely. "You want to go too? I’ll send you an invitation card, OK?"

"You have an invitation card?" Synthia gazed at Shu Shu excitedly.

"I have!" Shu Shu replied, smiling proudly.

"You don\'t need to give me an invitation card; just take me along with you. Good gracious, I actually can go to the Imperial palace! I can see His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince! I’m really so happy!" Synthia was full of excitement. Covering his blushing cheeks, he looked like a love-struck fool.

Seeing Synthia like this, Shu Shu decisively threw his former idea of wanting to marry Synthia in the future to the back of his mind. Synthia was actually smitten with Edgar. How awful!

Anyway, the most important thing now was to think about how he was going to get the red bead out of his stomach.

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