Feng Yu Jiu Tian

Chapter Volume 3 3

Inside a tent, Miao Guang personally exchanged Feng Ming’s outfit for a new one. She flattered him with cheeky comments.

‘You’re becoming more beautiful each time I take a look at you. How can a man be so alluring! I wish I could keep you for myself.’

Feng Ming’s heart thumped.

This was something he could take advantage of. If Miao Guang fell in love with him, then he won’t fall into Ruo Yan’s hands. It was a possible spark.

Miao Guang used her finger to gently tap him on the nose. As if she could see what was going on inside his head. She teased, ‘Don’t daydream! I won’t betray my brother. Even if you were a hundred times more attractive I won’t release you back to Xi Rei!

Does she have telepathy too?

The Princess had quickly revealed his plans. He stared at her grudgingly.

Spring had finally arrived in Xi Rei. The plains were now blanketed with fragrant and lush grass. Feng Ming recalled Rong Tian’s words as they’d rode White Cloud during winter.

The King had spoken of bright greenery that stretched as far as the eyes could see and it was truly a sight to behold.

With the change of seasons, he was kidnapped by Miao Guang and well on his way out of Xi Rei completely undetected.

He was crushed.

After their morning meal, the group set out again.

Miao Guang ordered her attendants to carry Feng Ming back into the carriage. Once inside she spoke to him sternly, ‘I’m advising you to quash any plans for escaping. To tell you the truth, my brother has secretly staked out near the Xi Rei border for a while now. We will be able to meet him within a day. When you tried to escape on my watch, I introduced you to my needles. However, if you try to pull anything in front of my brother you will suffer worst consequences.’

Seeing no timid reaction from Feng Ming, Miao Guang snorted and stuck out her tongue childishly before helping him with his daily make-up routine.

Just as she was placing the finishing touches the driver abruptly reined in their horse. The momentum was so sudden that it nearly knocked both Miao Guang and Feng Ming out of the carriage.

Miao Guang picked herself up from the ground and stuck out her head between the curtains. ‘What happened?’ She shouted out.

Hooves beating the ground neared the carriage. It was Cai Si who had rushed over.

Lifting his clasped hands to greet her he quickly advised, ‘Princess, we have encountered bandits! Please stay inside the carriage. Cai Si will take men to fend them off.’

Miao Guang’s expression soured, ‘Could they be the renowned ‘Whirlwind’ bandits that ransack between the borders of Tong and Xi Rei?’

‘It appears so. They’ve been rumored to be people of Tong, whom specifically target travelers leaving the borders of Xi Rei. Xi Rei has been on the brink of war with Tong over this issue. I’d not expect us to run into them.’

Miao Guang nodded, ‘The carriage is vulnerable to attacks, King Ming’s safety is foremost. Take him on your horse and have the others on defense. As for our belongings, they aren’t important. Let them have it.’ She turned back into the enclosed room and supported Feng Ming up onto his feet. She then passed him into Cai Si’s reach. Shortly after they mounted the King, violent screams could be heard in the distance.

On top of the mountains surrounding the entourage, silhouettes could be made out. Nearly a hundred men belonging to the Whirlwind gang were ready to charge at their victims. Each man’s face was obscured by a dark veil.

One thief barked out his orders, ‘Brothers, go forth! Spare any beautiful women and save them for your big brother!’

The men stormed towards the travelers, rushing in for the kill.

Cai Si held onto Feng Ming with one arm and brandished a sword in the other, he was prepared to meet with the enemy.

These bandits were a force to be reckoned with. They have been able to evade their enemies whilst thriving on their lucrative business between the two countries.

As the wind howled, a tall figure mounted on a horse galloped towards the pair. The figure swung at Cai Si who just managed to deflect the attack with his sword. He barely could keep his grip on his sword from the sheer force of his enemy’s strike.

It was unbelievable, a skilled swordsman in the ranks of thieves?

His opponents face was well concealed, only a pair of deep-set eyes was exposed. Locking gaze alone, one could easily be captivated by their aura.

There was a dignified air around the mysterious person. There was no doubt he was the ringleader of these scum!

Another two swings, Cai Si could only focus on defense, dodging and avoiding the blows.

The bandit changed targets, instead of Cai Si he aimed for his horse.

Three quick slashes!

Cai Si’s steed couldn’t withstand the pain, the animal’s legs buckled after releasing a painful whimper. The beast was grounded.

Cai Si cursed loudly and quickly dismounted. Before he even had the change to set foot on the ground, the swordsman issued his abdomen a brutal kick.

Suddenly, Cai Si’s right arm was lighter! The powerless body of their precious hostage was snatched away!

Alarm was blaring as he scrambled to recapture Feng Ming. The ringleader switched to the blunt side of his blade and knocked Cai Si out cold. He steered his horse back to the safety of his men and signaled to them by raising his sword high into the air.

Upon seeing this action, the original voice that that lead the pack shouted to the others, ‘Brothers, a beauty has been captured! Don’t hold back, eradicate them all!’

With the instructions to kill, the masked men didn’t hold back. Blood curdling screams echoed each other. The slain were all Miao Guang’s men.

While his couldn’t voice himself, Feng Ming could clearly see everything. He whined inside.

Why!? The first wave hasn’t even subsided and I get hit with a second!

Being marked by Ruo Yan was already bad luck, now he was going to be forced into the position of Mrs. Bandit.

His captor held his tighter in his arms before staring down at him for a moment. The man chuckled.

‘Indeed, what a beauty. Once we return to the palace, I must have you adorn lady’s clothing all the time so I can admire you.’

His hand reached to tug off his mask, exposing a handsome chiseled face.

It was one of the two infamous heroes across the plains, the dignified King of Xi Rei…

Rong Tian!

Once Rong Tian exposed his true identity, a horn was blown and its distinct sound permeated every direction. With that signal the men removed their covers and all were in Xi Rei’s military colors. The King’s banner was erected behind Rong Tian, the material fluttered with the wind. It was a majestic storybook scene.

Feng Ming’s heartbeat was erratic. If it wasn’t for Miao Guang’s incapacitating gold needles he would have mustered all his strength and socked Rong Tian.

Bastard! You scoundrel! You scared the living daylights out of me!

Still without his voice, Feng Ming’s wild eyes already said enough. They shimmered on the verge of crying.

Rong Tian lowered his head and gave him a quick kiss before breaking into the smile that Feng Ming loved best.

‘Don’t cry. I feel bad.’

The thief that had led the charge galloped towards the pair, ripping off his mask as he reached them.

‘I knew King Ming would be scared! All of this was the King’s idea.’ It was Li Er.

The fighting had come to an end. Men continued to gush out from the hills. All of them were personnel from Xi Rei’s army. The mere sight of them crumpled their enemy’s will to fight

Miao Guang and Cai Si were roughed up with small cuts and bruises. Their arms were bound by rope and soldiers pushed them in front of Rong Tian’s horse.

Rong Tian cradled Feng Ming, this power couple had high and mighty appearance. Looking down at their dirt covered faces the King grinned. ‘Princess has underestimated Rong Tian, how could I allow anyone to snatch my beloved away from right under my nose?’

Miao Guang had resigned in defeat. She gave the king a cold glance and didn’t reply.

Cai Si bellowed with rage, ‘Rong Tian, you’re despicable scum! You delved so low to feed the one you love moon fruit to quicken his death! You exploited our Princess’s kind heart by forcing her to give mercy. You cheated her for the antidote!’

The King laughed out loud.

‘If you want despicable, I fall short of Ruo Yan.’ He snorted.

‘Ruo Yan sure has guts, concealing his absence in Li from my intelligence to sneak upon Xi Rei’s borders. This time, I will let him have a taste of my power.’

Miao Guang and Cai Si were startled with those words. They shot each other a quick glance. Both deeply concerned for Ruo Yan.

In the distance, dust was flying into the air. Another mass of people were heading towards them. It was General Tong, he broke away from the pack to greet Rong Tian.

After dismounting he reported, ‘With thirty thousand armed soldiers, we ambushed them just beyond the border. The Li army took a large blow, the casualties are high. However…’ he hesitated to finish, his face full of shame. ‘

‘We couldn’t find Ruo Yan’s body amongst the dead.’

Miao Guang relaxed with the news her brother was not part of the death toll.

Having found Feng Ming was all that mattered, Rong Tian remained in a pleasant mood even with the negative news, ‘Ruo Yan is very cunning, he wouldn’t succumb to our forces so easily. Now that Feng Ming’s condition has been cured a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Princess Miao Guang, please do come back to the capital with us as our honored guest. Li Er, send word to Rong Hu. There is no need to convince the hermit out of hiding to make any antidotes, let your brother return!’


Rong Tian turned his eyes to Feng Ming whose gaze had locked on his lover’s face. The King planted another kiss on him and whispered, ‘Feng Ming, we are going home.’ He pulled on the bridle and ushered his horse for the home journey. Three important people were heading back to the capital, the King, Feng Ming and their prisoner from Li, Princess Miao Guang.

Even though the Princess had kidnapped him for five days, Feng Ming felt like he went through several cycles of reincarnation.

Having Feng Ming consume the moon fruit was part of Rong Tian’s ploy. He had arranged his troops to ambush days in advance. The King relied on Miao Guang giving into her softhearted feelings, effectively pushing her to give Feng Ming the remedy.

Rong Tian had given his plan careful consideration. He knew immediately after Feng Ming’s rescue, he’d need people to wait on him. So he organized Chiu Lan and the girls to leave the palace. They were now hidden in a safe spot nearby.

Rong Tian took Feng Ming to the nearest town, after hearing an announcement. Chiu Lan and the girls dashed outside to welcome their master.

‘King Ming is finally back!’ She shouted with joy.

‘That must mean you’ve been cured!’

‘Of course, otherwise why would our great King bring him back?’

Chiu Yue wiped her tears, ‘King Ming has lost a lot of weight! Those maids from Li don’t know how to look after people!’

Li Er laughed, ‘King Ming has a charm with women, he was fortunate to have Princess Miao Guang personally take care of him!’ Rong Tian hit the back of his head for his inappropriate comment.

Their King stared at them coldly, ‘Feng Ming’s body is still weak. Why are you all standing around and making a ruckus for?’

He moved into the compound and rested Feng Ming onto a bed. His face hovered over to whisper words of comfort. ‘Don’t worry, the medicine that stops you from speaking will wear off in a day. Tomorrow you can talk again. I really miss hearing your voice.’

Feng Ming repeated, ‘why’ hundred times over. He wanted to speak but couldn’t, he wanted to move but his hands and feet won’t budge. He could only endure Rong Tian taking advantage of the situation.

Rong Tian was in a spirited mood, he pulled his lover into his arms for a night’s rest.

The next day Feng Ming’s silence was lifted. He could also move his body again. Naturally, he offered Rong Tian the taste of his fist.

After giving him his best punch he growled, ‘You manipulated me again?’

‘How did I manipulate you?’ Rong Tian defended innocently. ‘I did everything possible to cure you of your condition.’

‘Why didn’t you tell me I was poisoned? Why didn’t you tell me your plan? Did you want me to die from fear?’

His servants could hear their master raise his voice. They signaled each other with their eyes and stood discreetly outside of the bedroom.

Rong Tian explained, ‘Are you stupid? Telling you directly would give the game away to Miao Guang. It wasn’t a joke your life was at stake without an antidote.’ As he spoke he secretly moved closer to his lover to catch the man’s clench fists with his own hands.

‘Can you understand how unbearable it was for me to know that you were poisoned and gravely in danger? Worst was letting you fall into Miao Guang’s hands, I couldn’t rest or eat. You can ask Li Er, there was no time to relax in fear of losing your trial.’

‘You tricked me into eating moon fruit!’ he shot.

‘If you didn’t however could we convince Miao Guang to genuinely help you? Or else you will suffer terrible episodes every month up until your death! Even if you don’t feel pain, my heart will ache for you.’ Rong Tian nipped and licked his ear.

‘I suffered untold hardships to gather as much moon fruit as I possibly could. Then I had to coax you to eat them. Do you know how nerve-racking it was to ensure you ate eleven, no more no less?’

‘You…’ Feng Ming was cut off.

‘I used a meticulous amount of effort and resources, how can you not be grateful for my actions?’

‘You…’ Feng Ming wanted to curse him.

‘Don’t get angry, let me kiss you.’

Given no chance to argue, Rong Tian sealed his lips.

‘Mmm…nhhhh….’Feng Ming’s words became muffled whimpers.

As they headed back to the capital, it was a prime opportunity to enjoy Xi Rei’s spring scenery.

They passed many steep hillsides that once were not valued. Now they were undergoing a large transformation based on Feng Ming’s suggestions. Terraces had been constructed and irrigation systems were up and going. Truly this innovation was the forefront of solving food shortages in Xi Rei.

Rong Tian served as a guide to Feng Ming, providing informative answers to his lover’s various questions. Unexpectedly the King agreed to allow Feng Ming ride a horse when requested. This way they didn’t have to stay cooped up in a carriage.

Feng Ming was pleased to monopolize White Cloud. He urged the magnificent steed into full gallop. The two bolted ahead of the group. Feng Ming careless attitude caused Rong Tian to worry. The King remained hot on Feng Ming’s tail, afraid of a mishap. Chiu Lan and the girls remained inside the carriage laughing and joking. They had a lot of free time, only needing to serve their masters when they reached a resting place at night time.

After five days, they were back inside the safety of the capital. Naturally, Feng Ming returned to his familiar home in the Prince’s hall.

Rong Tian with his sweet talk had managed to win Feng Ming over. The young man was no longer burning with fury. Rather he was concerned about the fate of Miao Guang.

‘Rong Tian, you won’t be killing Miao Guang right?’

Rong Tian turned around and asked, ‘You don’t have the heart to do so? I forgot you’ve spent a number of days in her company. Though she is not beautiful, she has a peculiar temperament and a forte at scheming. Low-handed tricks such as attacking people who are unprepared.’ The thought of her left a sour taste in his mouth.


‘I forgot that she came here to marry the King of Xi Rei. Alright, don’t evade the question. Will you kill her?’

‘No, I won’t,’ The King shook his head. ‘She makes an excellent hostage, why waste her. Ruo Yan is ruthless but he only has one sister.’

‘Now I can relax. She is quite cunning but when you peel the shell she is just a girl that wants to have fun.’

Rong Tian let out a heavy sigh, ‘Feng Ming you are too kind, if it wasn’t for me she would have delivered you to Ruo Yan. The last person that should even consider her wellbeing should be you.’

Feng Ming nodded full of regret, ‘I’m not used to being on guard for these horrible traps.’

His face couldn’t hide his despair.

Rong Tian had to force himself not to grin, he clutched Feng Ming by the shoulder and tilted is head down. ‘Didn’t I say, every trick or plot against you, I will be your shield?’

‘Alright.’ Feng Ming conceded.

‘Well if I have to work in the shadows again, you can’t get mad at me.’

‘But every time you do something big, you lie and trick me! You never tell me…’ Feng Ming looked pitiful like a sulking puppy.

‘Okay, then I will vow. Under the conditions where I don’t have to keep you in the dark, I will do my best not to deceive you.’ The King offered earnestly. ‘But when it is essential, I will have to trick you.’

What kind of blotchy promise is this?

If you were courting me in the modern era, you’d fail miserable! You’d need to prepare to be a lifetime bachelor!

How could you openly say something so shamelessly! You cheat!

Lathering me up with your honeyed-words, you’d think I’d agree to let you trick me in the future?

You’d think there is someone so stupid in this world that they would happily let you deceive them?

Feng Ming kept his silence and defiantly stared at the King.

But it wasn’t long until he caved in to Rong Tian’s imperious gaze. Feng Ming grumbled under his breath and nodded obediently.

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