Secret Killer

Chapter 93 - Power Evolution

It has been nearly 15 minutes since the little girl injected Leon with a serum and took his blood in the injection.

Leon has been trying his best to move his body, but it wasn\'t responding. Seemingly, the serum had shut off all the sensory and receptive nerves in Leon\'s body.

Even though Leon was trying to move his body, his nerves weren\'t sending signals to the brain, nor was the brain\'s response going back to his organs.

Leon couldn\'t do anything but just watch as the little girl inspected his blood under the microscope.

"Who are you?" Leon asked.

"Quiet. I need silence to concentrate. If I mess this up, then it will take me over a month to create another prototype," she said as she carefully adjusted her eyes on the eyepiece of the microscope again.

After struggling for a while, Leon was finally able to move his finger. Slowly, he regained control over his legs and hand.

He quietly stood up, grabbed the piece of glass from the counter, and walked behind the girl while walking in an awkward manner.

But just as he was about to stab the girl with the girl, she once again stabbed Leon with an injection filled with purple liquid.

The piece of glass slipped from Leon\'s hand as he dropped to his knees.

Leon glared at the girl with murderous intent and said, "I will chop you into the small pieces and eat you!"

"Wow…" the little girl rolled her eyes and said, "I am helping you here!"

"My entire body feels like it\'s burning, but from the inside. And you are saying that you are helping me?" Leon uttered as his body trembled for some unknown reason.

"That\'s the sign of the serum activating." The little girl looked at the watch on her wrist and said, "Your body should stop working in 4… 3… 2… 1…"

"How do you feel?" the little girl asked.

"Just like how I feel after taking a long shit…\' Leon replied.

"Uh…" the little girl grabbed the piece of glass that Leon had dropped not long ago and handed it to him after saying, "I am anxious to do that. So can you make a cut on your hand?"

Leon didn\'t want to do as the girl said, but he was curious to see what she had done to him. 

He made a cut on his palm, and it healed before he even finished cutting.


"Yes! It worked!" the little cheered with a smile on her face.

Surprised, Leon made another cut, but this time deeper.And it was healed instantly too.

"What… What did you do to me?" Leon asked.

"As I said, I am a scientist who researches on bioweapons. When I saw your wound heal earlier, I was certain that you are a superhuman with super-healing ability."

"What was that red goo you injected in me earlier that made me unable to move my body?" Leon asked with a curious yet calm look on his face.

"That was the symbiote which stopped all the functions in your blood. So they stopped your powers too." After a brief pause, she continued, "When I researched your blood, I found not one, not two, but various superpowers serum. All of them were fighting each other, trying to take the lead, and that\'s why they were messing with your body."

"I have the knowledge and experience of only healing serums, so I took your blood and reverse-engineered it to find which healing symbiote was used. Then, I extracted it from your blood and applied the serum I was working on," she asserted. "And now, your healing power has reached its maximum limit."

"I didn\'t know that was possible," Leon muttered. If he had known about it, then he would have messed with his body and injected more serums into his body to get more powerful.

"You know, injecting one untested serum in the human body can lead to a painful death, but your body had several. I can\'t imagine the pain you must have gone through. Whoever experimented on you must be a monster," she uttered in disbelief.

"Calling him a monster would be an understatement…" Leon muttered.

"Did you have scars on your body?" the little girl asked curiously.

"There is not a part where I don\'t have a scar," Leon scoffed.

The little girl stared at Leon for a while and said, "take off your shirt. I want to see them."

"There is no need to. "Leon rolled up the sleeve of the right hand while saying, "My hand has a huge scar…"

Leon wanted to show the scar, but much to his surprise, there was no scar on his hand. Then, Leon looked off his shirt and grabbed the glass to check the scar on his back. 

His back had a scar shaped like a caterpillar because of the surgery where he installed a spine in his body. However, that scar was nowhere to be seen.

"Your scars are gone too?" the girl asked with a curious and eager look on his face.


"Yes! Yes! Yes!" the girl jumped in joy and said, "It worked! Finally!"

"But not going to lie, I preferred scars. It reminded me of my suffering and gave me the motivation to keep moving forward…" Leon uttered in a low voice. Then, he realized something. "Wait… my wounds now heal within a second, so what would happen if I am having surgery? It will keep healing, right?"

"Yeah," the little girl nodded.

Leon was planning to remove his bones from the legs and hands and install a new one. But that would be impossible now that his healing ability was boosted.

"Can I regenerate my bones?" Leon asked in a disdainful tone.

The little girl shook her head and said, "No. But I am researching that too."

She noticed Leon was upset after hearing that, so she asked, "What\'s wrong? SHouldn\'t you be happy that I boosted your healing ability?"

"But I can\'t have surgery now…"

"Oh…" The little girl pondered for a while and said, "But I can create that goo again."

 "If you inject it in the right proportion, you can stop your body from healing on the part where you are going to have the surgery," she asserted in a calm voice.

Leon placed the glass on the girl\'s neck and said, "Why are you helping me?"          

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